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Lilith found herself perched on a grimy mattress, her knees pulled close to her chest and her head buried in her arms

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Lilith found herself perched on a grimy mattress, her knees pulled close to her chest and her head buried in her arms. The weight of despair was slowly crushing her spirit. She had valiantly attempted to keep track of the passing days and nights, but it seemed like an impossible task. Time had become an elusive concept, slipping through her fingers long ago.

Locked away in the wretched confines of the filthy basement, Lilith had grown accustomed to the monotonous routine. A meager meal arrived once a day, barely enough to sustain her. A bowl of lukewarm water to wash was a rare luxury, granted only once a week. Every other day, she would muster the courage to make a daring escape attempt, but it always ended in failure. The closest she had come to freedom was reaching the top of the stairs, only to be met by the imposing figure of the larger guard. The memory of his brutal backhand still haunted her, the pain lingering in her body as a constant reminder of her defeat.

The other attempts were no less futile. Lilith would fight tooth and nail against the guards, but they were like behemoths, impervious to her blows. She had always been resilient, even as a child, able to withstand a punch or two. However, these Russian brutes were on a whole different level, built like indestructible tanks. She was getting weak.

So weak that when the guard opened the door and kicked her tray of scrapes over to her she didn't have any will to fight and try an escape, she was too tired and all she wanted to do was sleep. She turned over away from the guard and closed her eyes falling into a deep sleep. He shook his head and left.

A few days later he came back with her daily meal, he kicked her with his foot to wake her.

"Hey, get up. eat." Lilith sat up and gazed at the same old soup she had been having every day. Her stomach growled with hunger, but at the same time, she felt nauseous. Despite the conflicting sensations, she couldn't resist the temptation of the steaming bowl in front of her. She grabbed the bowl as if it were the most delicious meal she had ever seen. However, as she brought the spoon to her mouth, her body betrayed her, and she vomited all over the floor.

"Dirty whore." The guard scoffed. Lilith kept on retching.

"Hey, are you pregnant?" The guard asked if he had seen women act like this when they were with child.

"No, it's a bug, look at this scum." She threw her arms wide before retching again. The guards scoffed and left. 

After crawling to her dirty bed, Lilith lay and thought about what the guard had said, dismissing it instantly, there was no way she could be pregnant. No pregnancy could survive what she had been through lately. She closed her eyes and went to sleep. 

Lilith's peaceful slumber was abruptly interrupted by three guards who dragged her out of bed. She fought back with all her might, kicking and screaming, even headbutting one of the guards in the nose. But her weakened state made her no match for the men. They carried her up the stairs and into a kitchen, where they slammed her down on a cold, hard steel table in the middle of the room. Her arms were cuffed to hooks on either side of her head, and she began to panic as two more guards pawed at her waistband. Despite her protests, they ripped off her track pants and underwear, leaving her exposed to the room. She tried to close her legs, but the men held them open, and she could feel the cold air on her most intimate parts. She shut her eyes, bracing herself for the worst.

THE LOST BOY ♡♡ JT.♡♡Where stories live. Discover now