Erik internally seethed, but after a moment he smirked, "You better be prepared after what you have done."

Nox smiled, "Of course. I will take full responsibility."

Erik smiled and Bert knew it was too late. He sighed internally. He had witnessed what it was like to prove yourself once committed to a Frenzel. Proving yourself as a person was not good enough. One must also prove their strength, power, and cunningness. The household after all was all about power.

Though, perhaps it was a good thing that a Prince was the one to choose Aether. Anyone else probably wouldn't be able to survive.

"Good. Then I'll send a notice to the King immediately." Erik flicked his wrist and Bert immediately left to write the letter.

Nox frowned, "I see no need to send a letter to my father."

Erik chuckled, "Of course I need to send a letter, after all starting today you will be living in my household."

Erik paused, thriving off the confused look on Nox's face. He let out a harsh laugh, "Were you unaware? I would have thought for sure that your father would have warned you of what it means to get in a relationship with a Frenzel. Then again, your father probably wouldn't care, after all for him this is simply another way to grab power." He stood up, gazing down at Nox, "The Frenzel household does not just choose anyone to be their partners. No, they must prove themselves first. Just like my father before me and my wife you are to spend a year living in the Frenzel household, doing everything we ask of you and more. If by the end of the year you are deemed to not be worthy of the Frenzel name, you will give up all pursuits of Aether. Understand?"

Nox was quiet for a moment. His eyes met Erik's head on as he processed everything. A smile appeared on his face and with a determined look he said, "Perfectly."


"Young Master, Young Master, it's time to wake up." Bert's voice drifted into his muddled mind.

Aether grumbled and buried his head deeper into the blanket. "Couple more minutes." He mumbled.

"Young Master. Sleeping in is not good for your health. Wake up now." Bert gently coaxed.

Wait. Bert?

Aether's head shot up, but just as soon as he did so a searing pain shot through his back. He yelped and fell face first back into the bed.

"Now, Young Master. One should know better than to sit up so quickly, especially after what you have been through last night."

Aether's mind was reeling as he took in his surroundings. He was obviously back in the Frenzel household, but he could have sworn he had fallen asleep during...his face heated up and he buried his head back into the pillows once more.

"Now, try to sit up slowly. I have some medicine here to help you with the sourness." Bert grabbed him by the arm and gently guided him to a sitting position despite his groans of discomfort.

Aether's face only reddened once the cup of medicine was placed in his hands and Bert's words finally processed. 'Bert knew! If Bert knew then that means-' He glanced over at Bert's smiling face as he carefully prepared a small plate of breakfast for him.

It was hard to figure out. Bert most definitely told his father. Hell, his mother probably knew as well. The thought of those two knowing brought dread making him want nothing more than to curl back into his bed and die.

"Now young Master, finish the medicine quickly. Then eat your breakfast."

Aether did as he was told, drinking the medicine like it was water. He barely registered the awful taste as the cup was taken from his pliant hands and a plate of warm food was set on his lap.

"Eat every bite. You need to replenish your strength."

Aether's face warmed again. He let out a small cough, "Um, Bert?"


" did I get back here?" Aether said through a strained smile. Bert paused and glanced back at him with a knowing smile. Aether gulped and looked back at his food, eating it with enthusiasm as he died inside from embarrassment. He could imagine it now. His father, brother and Bert walk into the hotel, then open the door to come face to face with-STOP! He slapped his face, vanquishing the thoughts from his mind.

"Young Master!" Bert rushed over and grabbed his hands. "What's wrong? Why did you slap yourself? Mina! Quickly get a cold washcloth."

"Yes sir!" Mina ran from a side room holding a small washcloth and passed it to Bert. She shot Aether with an apologetic look before turning on her heel and leaving to the side room once more.

Bert placed the cool washcloth on his cheeks. "Hmm, it doesn't look like there would be any bruises, but better safe than sorry. Now, tell me why did you slap yourself?"

Aether opened and closed his mouth. He couldn't tell Bert that he slapped himself because he was thinking of how his father had found out. He knew that Bert knew what had transpired the other day, but talking about it? Out loud? It was impossible.

He shook his head, "It's...nothing. Was just wondering where is, um, everyone else?"

Bert frowned, obviously not believing him, but went along with him anyway. "The Master and Lady are downstairs having breakfast. The Young Master and Young Lady are preparing for school." Bert paused, opened his mouth then closed it before shaking his head. "You will not be attending school today, but that doesn't mean you can relax on your studies. While you relax, we will be going over your studies." Bert pulled out some books and placed them on the side table.

Aether frowned at the pile. He would rather talk about other things than study. Heaving a sigh, he pursed his lips and whispered, "What did father say?"

Bert paused, "Did you say something Young Master?"

Aether groaned. "...What did father say when...when he found out?" Aether curled into himself after he spoke, not wanting to see the look on Bert's face.

Contrary to what he thought, Bert was professional as he spoke, "the Master...was not happy, but there was nothing that could be done to reverse the ... .damage." Aether flinched at that.

Bert smiled, "So according to tradition Prince Nox will be living in the Frenzel household while he proves himself to the Master and the Lady."

Aether froze. "He will do what!" 

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