07 | Drowned

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Warning: Mature language.

N O V A 

I took an elevator to my apartment. Today was not the shittiest day, but I needed to see my girls. When I opened my apartment door, the first thing I saw was Raelynn sitting on the floor, playing with a few Lego pieces. She looked up at me with a bright smile, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement. I couldn't help but feel a wave of warmth and happiness wash over me.

''Mommy!'', she yelled, getting up and running towards me with open arms. I scooped her up into a tight hug, her little arms wrapped around my neck. She was wearing her little pink pajamas.

''How are you, my baby?'', I said while planting a kiss on her soft cheeks. From the corner, I saw Josephine pop her head out. She was a college student who was taking a one-year break to focus on studying. She agreed to babysit my daughters for the time being.

''Ah, Mrs. Breeze, I see that you're back'', she said. She looked tired with all the studying.

''I hope this devil didn't cause you too much trouble'', I said while touching my nose with Rae's.

''She's a handful, but I've mastered the art of tactical distraction'', Josephine said with a small chuckle.

''Did you have dinner, Rae?'', I asked while taking off my heels, careful not to drop her.

''Yes, Josie heated the pie that you made yesterday'', she said enthusiastically.

''The shepherd's pie?'', I asked.

''Yes! What other pie do we have in the fridge, Mommy?'', she asked while crossing her arms. I chuckled.

''What about you, Josephine? Did you have some of it?'', I asked her while facing her.

''Josie didn't want to eat it'', Rae said while squinting her eyes.

''Josie?'', I asked. Josephine gave me a cheeky smile and tucked loose strands of her black hair behind her ear.

''But don't worry, Mommy'', Rae grabbed my cheeks and turned my head to face her. ''I made sure she ate it. Just like how you said''

''Good job, Rae'', I said. ''Where's Florence?''

''Ah, she's sleeping'', Josephine said, pointing to my room. ''I've already given her her baby formula''

''I fed her'', Rae said with a proud look on her face.

''Alright, Mrs. Breeze, I'll be going now'', She strode to the dining table to get the papers and books spread out. She stuffed them into her bag and put it over one of her shoulders.

''How are you going back home, dear?'', I asked.

''My boyfriend will be picking me up'', she said. I gave a nod.

''Alright, bye, Rae!'', Josephine waved at Raelynn.

''Bye, Josie!'', Rae said, frantically waving both her hands at Josie.

''Make sure you send a text to me when you get home'', I said. ''And you can collect your payment this coming Sunday.

''Will do'', Josephine was already in the elevator when she said that.

I put Raelynn down. She was growing up so fast. She is already at my waist level. She has been getting better at her vocabulary. She's only seven, but she can articulate her words very well.

I went toward my room and went near the crib to have a look at my other baby.

''Oh, you little sly fox, you weren't sleeping at all, were you?'', I asked my baby Florence. She giggled mischievously. Flora's brown doe-eyes were wide open. It's been seven months since Florence was born. She was wearing her baby pink dress with an orange ribbon tying her hair. Rae stood on her tippy-toes to get a better view.

I took Flora in my arms and sat on my bed. Raelynn hovered over Flora to kiss her on the forehead. Flora blew a raspberry and spoke some baby gibberish.

No one would say that Florence and Raelynn were siblings. They were two opposite poles. Raelynn was a carbon copy of her father with brown hair, blue eyes, and a sprinkle of freckles on her cheek and rose. Florence looked like me. Dark skin, brown eyes, and black hair.

Despite their physical differences, they had a very close bond. Florence was looking at me with curious eyes, and her lips parted.

''What are you looking at, baby?'', I asked Florence, giving me a small coo. Raelynn slightly tugged on Florence's cheeks to make her look at her. Raelynn covered her face with her tiny hands. And then she removed her hands, showing a funny expression. This earned her a laugh from Florence.

I watched my babies, and the only thing that could be heard was their laughter. It was moments like these that made me not lose my sanity.

''Alright, babies, mommy is going to freshen up'', I said while laying Florence on the bed. I grabbed a few pillows to keep on all four sides of Florence. Raelynn continued to play with Florence. I was about to get into the bathroom when I heard my phone ring from the other room. I went quickly, anticipating a work call.

When I checked my phone, it was a missed call from Liam. Then a text appeared on the screen from Liam.

Liam: I'm coming back home tmw evening @ 6:30. pick me up from the airport.

He was finally coming back after five long months in Russia. I quickly sent a text back to him.

Me: Alright 👍

''Girls, your father is coming back tomorrow!''


I watched my babies, and the only thing that could be heard was their laughter. It was moments like these that made me not lose my sanity.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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