02 | Drowned

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WARNING: Mature language.


I wonder how Verena has changed. Has she thought about me ever since she left?

I have, for sure. Since she didn't say anything to me after she graduated from my school in the eleventh grade, I was genuinely angry for a short while. Why did we fade apart if we were so close? 

I can still picture the times when I would chuckle to myself at how much fun we had together and how much we meant to one other. I would then sob myself to sleep while recalling our arguments and how bitter we were as a result.

I loved her. I did love her. More than I loved myself.

I noticed that my eyes were getting filmy and when I blinked it out, a tear silently escaped my eyes.

I hated it. I hated the fact that I felt myself getting weak whenever I thought of her. I always kept my head high and didn't give a damn about what others had to say. But Verena held a special place in my heart. I don't remember what I did wrong to break our bond. Heck, I don't even think I did anything wrong.

It was like a punch to the gut when she walked away without any explanation. The pain of losing her still lingers, and I often find myself questioning if it was all just a cruel twist of fate.

But that was ten years ago. I closed Verena's chapter the day she walked out on me. And it's better to keep that chapter closed forever.

I slowly wiped the tears off my cheeks which left black mascara smears on my fingers and probably my cheeks. I quickly gulped down my coffee, grabbed my bag and rushed towards the washroom. I used a tissue to clean up my cheeks and touched up my makeup. I looked at my watch and it was already nine am.

I got out of the cafe and threw my muffin away. I completely lost my appetite but drank the whole cup of coffee because otherwise, I couldn't function. I started the car and started driving towards Monorro headquarters.

I've been working with Monorro, a law firm, for the last three years. They pay well and are generally respectable. However, I couldn't help but see shady people coming and going. Despite not working there, they are given royal treatment.

It has made me question the integrity of some of the firm's clients and their connections. It's concerning to witness such treatment being given to individuals who may not be coming with the best intentions.

I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice the red light turning green, and the cars behind me began honking. Startled by the sudden noise, I quickly snapped back to reality and stepped on the gas pedal. I gritted my teeth and sped off. A few minutes later, I reached my building and had to go parking lot which was in the basement. I have this annoying habit of looking at my watch every five minutes, and when I took a look at my watch, it read nine-twenty one am. I better run.

Francis was always punctual and he didn't like it when people kept him waiting. When I entered the building, my nerves were all over the place.

In one of the hallways, stood a full mirror. I had one look at my suit before I entered the meeting room where Francis was already sitting with some files in his hands.

Verena isn't here yet

''Ah Nova, your late'', he said looking at me through his half-crescent glasses.

''Nine-twenty seven isn't late, sir'', I said. The meeting room was fully coloured white with a long table extending throughout the room. The large full-frame windows showcased the view of the busy New York morning. The chairs were of grey leather. I took a seat in the seat next to Francis while plopping my bag on the chair next to me.

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