04 | Drowned

48 3 0

WARNING: Mature language.

N O V A 

''Just listen to me; I have reasons for saying this''

''I know, Nova. I know'', Verena replied.

There was a moment of silence—a very uncomfortable silence. I caught Verena smiling at the floor.

''What are you smiling at?''

''Nothing'', She shook her head. I realized that my phone was still with her.

''Give me my phone back''

''Ah, wait one minute'' She tapped on my phone screen.

My jaw fell wide open. ''How do you know my password?''

''Your password is your birth year; you did the same thing in high school as well''

''Why the fuck do you remember that? And just because you know my password does not mean that you should invade my private space''

I made an attempt to reach for my phone but because she was giraffe height, I failed. She looked up while doing something on my phone, and I was too busy jumping to reach it.

''Okay done'' She finally gave me back my phone.

''What did you do to my phone, you prick'' I checked my phone to see what she had changed. A weird profile picture, or maybe she tweeted something something dirty.

She covered my phone screen with her hand. ''Relax, tiger, I did nothing. I just gave you my number'' I looked at her with disbelief.

''Which dumb asshole told you that I wanted your number''

She shrugged, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Well, maybe I just assumed you did. But hey, no harm done, right?"

''The fuck?'', The words came off more as a shriek.

She clicked her tongue. ''You're the one who's dumb; you need my number for me to send you documents, files, reports, etcetera.'' I realized she had a point. If I wanted her help with work-related matters, I would indeed need her number.

I huffed in annoyance

''Now enough playing around, I'll recruit two trainees from the Police Academy, and right after-''

''I'm the one playing around?'' I scoffed. ''Bitch you're the one who-''

A notification sound interrupted my talking, and Verena took her phone out of her pocket. She held out a finger to get me to stop talking. Her expression quickly shifted from annoyance to surprise, hinting at something unexpected.

''Good news, Nova'', Verena started. ''We got the autopsy report'' I felt a rush of anticipation as Verena's words hung in the air.

''Alright, great. Send me the report through my mail'', I said.

''I will send you my email ID. We can look at it together on my laptop''

I nodded in agreement and she quickly typed her email address into her phone, notifying my phone.


''Cute sticker'', Verena ran her finger through the sticker of the black cat on my laptop. ''You've always been into cute things, yeah?''

I glared at her and Verena tucked in her lips. I shoved her hand away from my laptop and Verena feigned hurt at my gesture. She pouted and crossed her arms, pretending to be offended by my actions. I couldn't help but let out a scornful chuckle at her playful reaction before focusing on the laptop screen.

Drowned [ONGOING]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora