06 | Drowned

25 3 0

WARNING: Mature language. 

N O V A 

''You should take care of yourself more'', she said. ''You're incapable of taking care of yourself''

''The fuck you talking about?'', I yelled at her.

''Oh, so you're deaf?'', Verena replied. I was about to speak when a voice came from the garage.

''I heard yelling; everything okay?'', Mark popped his head out of the garage door.

''Everything's fine, yeah'', I said, giving Verena a side glare. ''We'll be taking our leave now, Mark. Thank you again''

''Sure, anytime. Where are you guys headed now?'', Mark asked, wiping some grease off his hand with a cloth.

''We're going out for lunch'', Verena said, putting an arm around my shoulder, which I casually shook off. ''Probably that small cafe at the end of this road'' Verena motioned her head at the road.

''If you don't mind, may I tag along as well?'', Mark asked us. Verena looked at me silently, asking for my opinion. I turned to Mark.

''Sure, I suppose, I said. He grinned. ''Okay, you guys go ahead. I'll change, close up the garage, and follow you guys'', he said.

Verena and I nodded, and we started walking towards our car, which was parked nearby.

''What are you going to order for lunch?'', Verena asked me.

''Probably something simple. Maybe a chicken salad'', I said.

''I'm going to get a sandwich. The weather is quite wretched'', she said while pulling out her shades from her trouser pocket. I remembered that I brought mine too and wore them as well. ''I'm going to get a nice drink to cool off as well.''

We walked opposite the garage where my white Ford was parked. Verena got into her black Toyota. I took a seat and put the car key in the keyhole, but the car failed to start. I took out the key and put it in a few more times, but the car failed to start.

''A little trouble?'', Verena called out from her car.

''Yeah, this bastard's not starting'', I yelled back. ''The keyhole's probably jammed or something''

Verena walked out of her car and came to check on mine.

''I think it's some internal problem; the keyhole's not jammed'', she said after examining the keyhole.

''I'll call Mark to take a look at it'', Verena said, going to bring Mark in.

Mark came and opened the hood of the car and scanned the inside of the car. After a few minutes, Mark concluded.

''It seems it's a faulty fuel system'', he said.

''Damn it'', I said aggressively while hitting the steering wheel.

''Don't hurt her'', Verena said while stroking the steering wheel gently. I curled my lip.

''Why don't you keep your car here? I'll fix it for you?'', Mark offered.

''How long will it take?'', I asked him.

''At most, one day'', he said.

''I'll help you move around; I'll give you lifts'', Verena said. After much contemplation and pestering from Verena, I agreed to keep my car in the garage.

''Should I move the car nearer to the garage'', I asked Mark.

''No need; I got this'', said Mark. I got the keys out of the keyhole and handed them over to Mark.

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