01 | Drowned

119 3 0

WARNING: Mature language.

N O V A 

I've always had a father and mother, but never a mom and dad. It's been half an hour since I sat down for dinner with my family but they didn't even look at my direction.

My father either looked down at his plate of pasta or at his beloved daughter. I mean his other beloved daughter. They were chatting away and I had zero interest in the conversation. I looked at the corner at a restaurant where a family with two sons were sitting and enjoying their meal.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy as I observed their laughter and togetherness. It made me long for the same warmth and connection within my own family, but sadly, it seemed like an unattainable dream.

''The doctor who was supervising me said I did a spectacular job'', my sister Myla said. Her head was high with pride.

''Of course, my residency won't end right now. I got two more years of that'', something in her eyes went down.

''Well, sadly, that's one of the reasons people discard the idea of being a doctor. It's too time-consuming. I'm surprised you withstood the first year'', I said before taking a bite of a piece of bread. My father finally looked at me, cold-eyed.

The hair on the back of my neck prickled under his glare, but I remained stone-faced and kept my composure.

He clearly didn't like the idea of anyone insulting his daughter. Again other daughter.

I could sense the tension in the room as my father's silence lingered. After a moment, he spoke with a stern voice, "Being a doctor requires dedication and sacrifice. It's not an easy path.'', His words made Myla smile, and a glimmer of pride shone through his cold exterior.

The waiter came up to us and asked us if we were ready for the bill. ''You need anything else dear?'', my mother asked. Even if my head was down I could still understand that she was talking to my sister and not to me. My sister shook her head.

I quickly finished my bread in one bite and gulped down my wine. I could just sense my mother cringing at my 'etiquette'. I grabbed my purse and was about to leave when my father's deep voice spoke.

''How is Liam?'', he said still looking down at his plate. The one thing, the one thing I did not want to discuss tonight. ''I haven't heard from him in a long time'', he said before taking a bite of pasta.

''He's fine, he is in Russia for an urgent business matter'', I said in a firm voice my fingers clenching around my black satin dress.

''And Raelynn and um-'', he asked. ''Ah yes, Florence''

The audacity of this man

''They're fine as well'', I said quickly wishing this conversation would end soon.

''Liam's a nice lad. He is also financially successful. I am quite doubtful if you can manage with just a gig on the side'', said my father while wiping his fingers with the napkin on the table. Anger seeped into my veins.

''It's not a side gig, it's my full-time job. Being an investigator is what I like and want to do'', I replied.

My father raised an eyebrow, skepticism evident in his eyes. "But can you really make a living out of it?" he questioned, his tone laced with doubt.

I took a deep breath, determined to prove him wrong. "I believe in my abilities and passion for this profession. With hard work and dedication, I know I can succeed," I asserted confidently.

''I'm not talking about your detective job''

''I'm an investigator, not a detective, two different things''

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