Chapter 25

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After Taehyung took the shot, he and Jungkook walked to the car to get to school. Since they didn't spend that much time with their mom, she was driving them to school again.
"So what do you want for you're birthday Kook?"
"I don't want anything specifically, but it'll be nice if dad was home" Jungkook said not making eye contact with his mom

This have had always been a touchy subject for him, he didn't know if Taehyung felt the same but he surely missed spending time with his dad

"Ooh baby... I know you both will have loved that but you're dad is really busy with work,you know? But you can always face time with him!"

"Yeah I know mom..."

⚠️idk how to tag this part but you can skip if you want( nonconsensual/ rape, but nothing happens I promise)

Jungkook was angry, no he was more than angry, he was about to poke Sehun's eye out and make him eat it. Only because he was sitting beside Taehyung
They were right now at their chemistry class, and Jungkook being the unlucky guy he is didn't manage to sit beside Taehyung

Taehyung was now sitting with Sehun, at first Jungkook didn't really mind it because he knew Tae was his, of course he was a bit jealous but that's it, but right now he saw how uncomfortable Taehyung was

Sehun wrapped his hand around Taehyung tiny waist while he pulled him closer, they were so close, so close for Jungkook liking. Why was Taehyung letting him touch his waist like that, why wasn't he doing anything to stop him?

"I'm sorry Mr. Yoon, can I go to the bathroom?"
Taehyung asked while the teacher nodded and then continuing reading the lesson
It didn't even pass a minute and Sehun raised his hand
"Yes Sehun?"
"Can I go look for Taehyung? He told me he isn't felling very well"
The teacher didn't get to finish his sentence when he saw Jungkook raising from his chair and trying to catch up with Sehun who just walked out the door

"Jeon Jungkook you need to ask for permission to leave the class! Jungkook are you even listening?!"
Jungkook ignored the teacher calls while he made his way to Sehun
He was about to enter the bathroom when he saw Jungkook slamming him against the wall

"Don't ever touch him like that!"
"Jeon let's just go inside the bathroom and talk, yeah? I don't think you want any professor seeing you pinning me against the wall,do you?"
Jungkook sight while he let go of the other collar and entered the bathroom
He didn't know what to expect but in the next moment he was the one pushed, Sehun pushed him against the toilet seat while he looked the door

"What the fuck? Are you sick in the head! Open the fucking door, now!"
"Relax Jungkook, if you're already here and desperately looking for me let's just have some fun" Sehun whispered the last two words in the younger ear

He then got closer to Jungkook's neck and started sucking at it, that until Jungkook slapped the shit out of him
"Ohh well it looks like you're a brat, behave Jungkook or you're going to regret it, you know no one can hear us"
Jungkook was getting a bit scared now, what the fuck was Sehun doing, yeah he expected a beating but this looked far away from that, it way obvious what was gonna happen

Jungkook needed to get out of here, right now in this fucking moment, so he did the first thing that he thought, he kicked Sehun right in the balls and was about to jump out of the looked door when Sehun grabbed him by his hair
He pulled at his hair roughly until Jungkook was sitting back on the toilet seat

"You can't go anywhere so you better behave, I'll show you how don't worry, I didn't wanna do this but you give me no choice. Since you already said that I smoke drugs, let me show you another way of taking them,why not try them on your own, pretty boy"

"Why didn't I see it until now Jeon, hmm? You really are pretty, what I don't like is that mouth of yours"
"But don't worry I'm gonna fill it up with something really soon"

Sehun said while he watched Jungkook shiver in fear, he grabbed a syringe from his pocket and removed the already used needle and replaced it with a new one
Jungkook looked at Sehun's arms and he could see a tone of needle marks on it
"See? I got a new one just for you!"
He got closer to Jungkook and pulled his sleeve up revealing his arm
"Fuck off! Let me go!!!" Jungkook said while desperately trying to pull his arm from Sehun hold

"Scared? Don't be Jeon, it'll hurt a bit but I'll make you fell better afterwards, I'll take good care of you Jungkook"
With that being said Jungkook felt the needle being pushed in and started crying
He couldn't hold it anymore, he was about to get raped in the school bathroom and he didn't know what to do

"Ohh don't cry Jeon, Taehyung told me you don't like shots but you give me no choice" he said wiping Jungkook's tears while the other just laid there limply, giving up about escaping

Sehun unbuckled his belt and was about to pull Jungkook's pants down when the bathroom door flew open
Jungkook saw through his tears that Taehyung sat there shocked looking at them with a bunch of keys in his hand
He let out a breath of air that he didn't know he was holding before he started sobbing, Taehyung was here, everything was good be okay

•words 1000
•updated 20231014
•if you don't like it don't read it
•I'm gonna try and update more regularly ❤️( what do you guys like more seven or 3D ?)

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