Chapter 19

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He continued studying while thinking back at Taehyung
Was he okay without him? Are the results good or bad? how much he wished he was there beside his boyfriend right now

In the mean time Taehyung was freaking outt, he was on the back seat looking out of the window
"You okay Tae?" Namjoon said looking at him trough the mirror
Taehyung looked up only to be meet with Namjoon piercing eyes looking at him

"Can I tell you something before going in?" Tae said before Namjoon stopped the car and was about to get out
"Yeah of course you can tell me, whatever it is I'll listen Tae"
"I-Im s-sorry" Taehyung said in a shaky voice

"Sorry about what, wait are you crying?" Namjoon said facing him
Taehyung shook his head as a no
"I'm not, I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry I did this to myself"
"It's okay, whatever you did it's okay because you're a human and humans sometimes make mistakes"
"Can we go inside now or do you need a minute?"

"No I'm okay now, let's go I don't want to make Yoongi hyung wait for us"
They entered the hospital and checked in while the nurse guide them in Yoongi cabinet
Yoongi give Namjoon a sad smile knowing the results already

"Seat down both of you, we have a lot to talk!"
"How are the results?" Namjoon asked
"First off all the results are not that bad how I anticipated but they're not good either"
Taehyung knew what Yoongi was talking about so he didn't even dared to look up, he just stared down at his own feet in shame

"Taehyung you'll have to talk with a psychologist after we're done, Namjoon can stay with you or he can leave if you fell uncomfortable"
"Why does he have to talk to a psychologist?"
Yoongi looked at Taehyung making sure he was okay before speaking

"Because he's diagnosed with an eating disorder, more specific bulimia"
After hearing the doctor words Namjoon froze in shock, now it all made sense, the excuse of not being hungry and always needing to go to the bathroom if he eat something and especially the weight loss
It was all his fault for not realizing earlier, if he did none of this would have happened

"I'm so sorry that I didn't realized earlier that you struggle with this" Namjoon said with tears in his eyes
He was blaming himself because all of this was his fault, he promised to take care of Taehyung and Jungkook but he failed
"Don't cry hyung, please..." Taehyung said felling bad for making his hyung upset

"You can continue, sorry for interrupting you Yoongi "
"It's okay Joon, he'll get better you don't need to worry"
"And that's not all, he gives signals of being anemic too, I have read the blood these results and it says that he has iron and vitamin B-12 deficiency "

"Is there any treatment for that?"
"Yes it is, and I encourage you to start it from today, the sooner he get it the better"
Yoongi got up and and got the medical prescription that he wrote a few minutes before they come in

"He'll need to take iron supplements and change his diet"
"Pills?" Taehyung asked
"Yes pills, but if they don't work you'll need to receive iron through a vein, an IV is the best decision to increase the body's iron levels quickly"
"And for the vitamin B-12 you'll need shots ,at first you need to take the shots every day until eventually you'll need them just once a month"

"I already wrote everything that you need to buy, and there's a psychologist waiting for you in room 18 to talk a bit"
"Thank you so much Yoongi, but I have a question, who will give him the shots?"
"I will, you don't have to worry about it"
"Will it hurt?" Taehyung asked

"The B-12 shots hurt, I won't lie to you but if you're relaxed and your muscles are not tensed it won't hurt that much, I promise Tae"
"You still have to get the shot today though, so after you're done with the psycholog you'll come here to get it"
Taehyung nodded accepting his fate without saying a word and left the room, he told Namjoon that he felt more comfortable talking with the psychologist alone

It was about 15 minutes later when Taehyung returned and placed himself on the examination table beside Yoongi
"So how was it?"
"It was okay, she's nice to talk to" he mumbled
"That's good to hear! now the only thing left is the shot, so let me do it quickly so you can go home"

"Can I do it alone?"
"You don't want me to stay beside you?" Namjoon said
"You can wait in the car Joon, I got him, he'll be okay on his own"
Namjoon nodded and left the room to get to his car while Taehyung was left with Yoongi

"So now that we are alone I want you to be sincere with me, you can tell me anything and not just because I'm your doctor but you're friend "
"Okay hyung, I won't hide anything anymore"
"Then if you're ready tell me where do you want the shot? butt or things"

"Can't I get it on my shoulder?"
"It will hurt much more there, just lay down and relax"
Taehyung did what he was told and then felt his sweatpants being pulled down just a bit
"Am I getting it in my butt?" he asked nervous

"Yes, it won't hurt that bad just relax"
"I'm relaxed"
"I can see" Yoongi said while massaging the spot where he'll inject just to ease his tense muscles
He picked up the shot and after cleaning the spot he quickly inserted the needle in one go
"Hurts?" he asked only to be meet with Taehyung shooking his head as a no
He slowly started pushing the medicine in while Taehyung hid his head into the pillow

"It's done! Let me place a band aid on it though"
"You took it so well Taehyung! I expected you to throw a tantrum but I guess you're all grown up"
"Thank you hyung"

They said there goodbyes and after that Taehyung left, he opened the door and walked on his way to Namjoon car limping
His butt was hurting a lot, because of the shot he couldn't even sit down for a while

•words 1090
•updated 20230502

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