Chapter 17

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"Give me the scissors and the hair"
Tae put the scissors back in the drawer and then looked at the hair he was holding

Jungkook didn't cut of the whole ponytail, maybe just about 4 inches but still it was a lot of hair
"Let me take the hair tie out and see what haircut did you give yourself"

Tae pulled at the hair tie and looked at Jungkook hair and started laughing
"Why are you laughing at kookie?"
"God you're hair is so short at the front, the back is the same but the front is just below you're eyes"

After a few minutes of silence Jungkook put his hand on his hair and started feeling it
When he realized he fucked up he started crying

"Ohh come on kookie don't cry, you were the one who cut it not me"
"Don't like it Taehyungie, I look ugly Kookie not handsome anymore"
"It'll grow back kook, don't worry"

They were both surprised when a knock was heard from the door, it most likely was Namjoon

"Hi guys! how was today at the doctor?"
"It was fine hyung, I did the blood test don't worry"
"That's good to hear! why is Jungkook crying?"
"I fucked up my hair hyung"
He said starting to get out of little space, as he pulled the hood from his hoodie over his head

"Don't curse! let me see it first and then we'll fix it together, you can't blame yourself because you were in your head space"
Jungkook shook his head at Namjoon not wanting to embarrass himself even more today
"I saw his hair hyung there's nothing that can't be fixed, but I think the coconut haircut will make a comeback"

After saying that the two of them started laughing while looking at Jungkook
"Don't worry Kook I'll fix it" Jungkook nodded

"By the way I forgot to tell you that Jungkook got his vaccine done today"
"The one that he had to get for his eighteen birthday?"
"Yeah, just cried a little bit but he still got it"
"I didn't cry! I was just nervous okay, the needle was very big!"

"I'm proud of you for doing it even if you were nervous, now let's go eat then I'll fix your hair"

Namjoon didn't cook anything today, but there was some very delicious soup that he made yesterday leftover so they eat that with some vegetables and chicken breast
"Hyung can I ask you a question?" he nodded while munching on his food
"Can you cut my hair too, and I thought maybe dye it another color please?"

"For the haircut is a yes but the dyeing hair I don't know, you'll have to ask your mom or dad"
"So that's a maybe?"
"If they'll let you you can dye it"
"Thank you. I'll call mom after"

"Tae come sit on the chair, I'll start with you since you need just a trim"
Taehyung was upset that his mother didn't give him permission to color his hair
But still he got up from the couch that he and Jungkook were waiting and sat on the chair that Namjoon prepared

Namjoon put the cape over him and started to wet his hair just a bit so it's easier to cut
In front of them he placed a mirror so Taehyung can see himself in it
"Tae how much do you want me to cut?" he asked while holding a piece of his bangs to show him how long it was
It was reaching his nose

"Not much, I think 1,5 inches will be a good amount to cut off"
"Do you want the same haircut?" he nodded
"Okay then sit straight and don't move or I might cut off more than you want"

Namjoon started at the back, he pulled the hair at an angle and started cutting
He didn't cut a lot because Taehyung liked to have his hair a bit longer at the back, kind of like a baby mullet
Then he cut the front hair and styled it the way Tae wanted

"Done! Do you like it?"
"Yes of course I like it, you cut my hair better than any hairstylist, I think you should become one"
"Thanks but is just a hobby Taehyung-ah"

"Your turn Jungkook"
Jungkook got up and walked to the chair that Taehyung previously sat on
"You know hyung can't cut your hair if you have your hood on"

Jungkook sighed and pulled his hood down, Namjoon didn't react bad to it and encouraged him that it is not that bad
"I'll still have to cut it a bit shorter then you normally get it but it'll be still long! I promise just close your eyes and trust hyung ok?"

"Okay hyung I trust you, but don't do the coconut haircut please" Namjoon nodded
He did what he was told and after a few seconds of closing his eyes he heard the sound of the scissors cutting
It took like 15 minutes to be done and when Jungkook opened his eyes and looked at himself in the mirror he froze

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you hyung! you saved my hair and it looks so good" he said while pushing his hand trough his freshly cut hair
"This new haircut suits you so much Jungkook! you look handsome" taehyung said while eyeing him

The truth is Jungkook looked even more hot than before if that was possible, you could see his jawline and face even more now
And Taehyung was having a hard time resisting the urge to eat Jungkook up, literally

He was thinking in a sexual way of course but he kept that to himself

 He was thinking in a sexual way of course but he kept that to himself

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