Chapter 9

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After Namjoon left Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin
walked to their secret place, which is the back of the high school building

There were a few benches, they sat on the one that was in the back so that no one can see them
It was currently 7:50 and they planned to go to class at 8 since that is the time their class start.

"So, how have you guys been? I talked to Yoongi yesterday and he said that both of you visited him at the hospital"
"Yeah, we went there because Tae was sick"

"Yoongi told me that both of you got the flu shot, I got mine too"
"We did! and I got sick as fuck after not to mention that my arm still hurts" Jungkook said while massaging his arm where he got the shot, the spot was a bit swollen but it looked fine, but it looked like it was going to bruise

Taehyung was watching them talk, not really listening to what they're saying, that until he didn't heard anything and he looked up to meet their eyes watching him

"What?" he asked them unsure of what happened
"I said to Jimi-"
"Jungkook I'm older then you, you should call me hyung, and don't even think to call me Jiminshii!!!"

"Fine! I just wanted to say that you got lucky because your arm didn't bruise" he said while lifting up his shirt sleeve just for Jimin to see a little red dot on his arm
"Ahhhh! don't touch it! it still hurts" he said pulling his sleeve down

After a few minutes Sehun joined them
He was older then them but because he didn't pass last year he had to repeat it, that made him be in the same class as them

They didn't really know each other that well but he was a good guy
"Hey!" he said to them
"Hey, how are you? I heard that were in the same class this year?" taehyung said showing his boxy smile

Actually Taehyung liked to spend time with Sehun he thought that he was really cool

"I'm stressed as fuck because if I don't pass this year my dad's going to kill me" he said searching for something in his jacket which turned out to be a pack of cigarettes

"I need to calm down a bit" after that he pulled out a cigarette and lit it up before inhaling in the smoke
"Do you want one too?" he asked Taehyung
"No he doesn't!" Jungkook spoke getting mad at him

Jungkook couldn't stand Sehun, and he wasn't even popular, handsome and smart
Actually he was all of them. But he didn't like the way he was talking with Taehyung. HIS Taehyung

"Jungkook I can talk for myself"
"You're not smoking!"
"Oh! you don't smoke? I thought that you do since everyone our age do" Sehun said

"I wanted to try to smoke but I never got the chance to do it"
"Do you want to try it now?" taehyung nodded his head

Sehun pulled out another cigarette and lit it up, he put the cigarette between taehyung's lips but before inhaling the smoke into his sistem Jungkook took it out of his mouth and smashed on the floor with his foot

"We're going to class now!" he said to Taehyung after pulling both him and Jimin to class

The doorbell ring a few minutes ago and now they were waking to their class. The first subject was math

"Great, now we're late and it's you're fault! If you didn't talk to Sehun we wouldn't be late"
"I can talk to with whom I want and do what I want, Jungkook just because you don't like him it doesn't mean I don't need to like him either"

"I'm not telling you who to talk to and what to do!"
Jimin was silent while watching them fight that until he saw Sehun running to catch up with them to class

They were arguing in the hall when Jungkook noticed Sehun behind them. He turned to him and landed a punch on his jaw, there was blood coming out of Sehun's lip as he cried in pain
It was silent the only thing that was heard was the gasp of the other two

"Don't touch him! Don't talk to him! And don't ever offer him to smoke! "Jungkook screamed at him
"Do you understand?!"

Before saying anything further Sehun landed a punch right on his face, Jungkook immediately brought his hand to the cut on his eyebrow

Jimin pulled Jungkook out of there while Taehyung searched for the school nurse, which was Jimin and Yoongi boyfriend, Hoseok

The teacher called Namjoon and Sehun's father and told them to go get checked at the infirmary
Sehun was the first one to go and after that Jungkook walked in with Taehyung

"So do you mind explaining me what happened Jungkook? or do you prefer explaining this to Namjoon?" Hoseok said while searching for the things that he need to treat Jungkook

"Nothing happened, h-he j-just pissed me off"
"And is that a reason to start a fight with him in the first day of school" Hoseok sighed
"Taehyung bring me the alcohol please, I need to check if your cut at the eyebrow need stitches"

While Namjoon was out grocery shopping he got a call from his boss Seokjin. Jin was the director of the high school that Namjoon worked at

"Hey, sorry it took me a while to answer I was actually grocery shopping!"
"It's okay don't apologize, I called you because you need to came to school"

"Ohh, I that today was my day off?"
"It actually is but the reason I'm calling you is because Jungkook got into a fight at school"

"He what?!"
"Yes Joon, I didn't believe it either but it's true, he punched a boy today at school and I need you to came here I actually called the boy father and he's on his way here"
"Okay I'll be there in fifteen minutes "

After a few minutes of checking Hoseok said to Jungkook that he's lucky he doesn't need any stitches and he let Taehyung desinfect Jungkook's lip

His lip wasn't bleeding anymore but there was a cut on it, Taehyung slowly took a cotten pad and put alcohol on it
Then he slowly started pressing on Jungkook's lip while blowing so that it won't sting as much

"Ahh it hurts!"
"Shut up! It's you're fault for getting into a fight just because you're jealous"
"That s not true, I punched him because he is a bad influence for you! he offered you to smoke!!!"

"I was just going to inhale once, I didn't want to smoke the whole thing!"
"And what if Namjoon found out and then told mom?then what"

"I'm sorry okay, but it's you're fault too"
"I'm sorry too"
"I punched him for you and now my whole face hurts" Jungkook mumbled to himself but Taehyung heard him

Taehyung bend down to place a kiss on Jungkook brow where the cut was
"Better Jungkookie?" he smiled at him
"I-I h-have a cut on my lip too..." Jungkook said getting shy

Jungkook didn't expect Taehyung to kiss him, he didn't expect anything after he said that but when Taehyung kissed his fingers just to touch his lips where the cut was, he froze

It wasn't a kiss mouth to mouth but it was something for Jungkook, it was a hope that maybe he has a chance to make Taehyung his.

•1269 words
•edited 20230123
• updated 20230112

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