Chapter 1

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Namjoon woke up at 7 am to make breakfast for Taehyung and Jungkook ,they were still sleeping and because today is saturday he let them sleep more since they don't have school

It was 9 am when Namjoon finished making breakfast and he heard Jungkook coming to the kitchen, his face was swollen and his hair was messy, a sign that he woke up not too long ago

"Hey Kook did you sleep well? "he chuckled at the other expression
"Yes I did! Hyung did you make breakfast?"
"Yes I make som chicken soup and some meat and rice, go on and take a sit at the table, I'm going to wake Tae up!"

Namjoon was on his way to woke up Taehyung when he heard sniffles coming from his room.
He opened the door to his room just to be meet with a crying Taehyung in the middle of the bed

"Taehyung hey, look at me! why are you crying? did something happened?" he looked at taehyung with concern
"Yes baby what's wrong?"
" My tummy hurts, dada!"

After he finished his sentence he started crying again, Namjoon took him on his lap and tried to calm him down.

"Shhh, everything is going to be okay baby, stop crying because I can't understand what are you saying if you keep on crying, okay baby?" He nodded

"Can dada ask you how old are you?
Namjoon asked immediately after he knew that Taehyung slipped in his head space

After some time of thinking Taehyung hold three fingers up
"Oh baby you're felling very little today don't you? let's go to the kitchen and eat something so you can get some medicine after, okay?" he whined but Namjoon shushed him

Jungkook waited for Namjoon to come back with Taehyung so that they can have breakfast. After some time he saw Namjoon carrying Taehyung down the stairs

"Hyung is everything ok? is Tae in little space?"
" It's nothing to bad, don't worry, I think he's coming down with a cold that's why he woke up in little space"

Namjoon took some milk off the fridge and microwave it for 2 minutes, after that he headed the cup with warm milk to Tae

" I'm going to feed him some food so that he can take his medicine after"
"I think its better if you take him to a doctor, yesterday when we were out he got dizzy and said he wasn't felling good"
"I'm going to wait and see if the medicine will help, if not I'm going to make an appointment for tomorrow"

After they've finished talking Taehyung started whimpering again
"Taehyungie what happend?" Jungkook asked
"Do you wanna eat something?" he said handing him some rice and meat with his chopsticks

"Nooo" he moved his head left to right cutely
"Tae I can't understand what you're saying if you're crying
"Shhh baby!" he shushed him

" I don't... wanna go dada!" he said to Namjoon rising his voice
" Taehyung don't scream baby, use your voice and talk slowly" he nodded
" Okay dada"

"Don't want to go to the doctor, please?"
"Now tell me why you don't wanna go to the doctor?"
"Cause don't wanna go!" he started crying

Namjoon hold his chin and lifted his head so that he looked in his glossy eyes
"Tae look at me" he said
"Baby are you scared of the doctor?"

Namjoon could tell by his face that something was wrong.
"Taehyung baby tell dada what's wrong"
"Tae tae big boy, Tae tae don't scared of the doctor" he said trying to sound brave

"Ok then .After were done eating I'm going to make an appointment for tomorrow.Is that ok?" he asked after kissing his forehead knowing that he is in fact sacred of doctors and anything related to needles
"Yes dada"

While Jungkook finished feeding Taehyung, Namjoon was searching for medicine .
After some time Jungkook was watching cartoons on tv to distract Taehyung from his upset tummy

"Tae come here to get you're medicine "
"Don't want medicine"
"Taehyung do you want to get better?"
"But dada!"
"No but .Here open you're mouth"

He opened his mouth and Namjoon placed the pill in his mouth and give him some water to swallow.
He did as he was told.
"Tae Tae don't like it! taste bad"
"I know baby but now you're going to fell better"

It was after 12 pm when Namjoon decided to call Yoongi, he was Taehyung and Jungkook s family doctor.
It took some time before he answered the call

" Hello, Yoongi I know that you're busy at the hospital with all the appointments you have know that is the flu season, but I was wondering if you have any spot available for Taehyung?"
" I do actually, is he really sick?"
" I think it's the flu, but I wanna be sure that's nothing so that is way I want you to do a check up on him"

" I have a spot available tomorrow at 10 am, is that okay with you?"
"It's perfect, thank you!"
"Namjoon I think is better if they get their flu shots done! If they have it now they won't feel that sick when they catch a cold since it's flu season and you already got yours done"

"Yes, I was actually thinking about that, I'll come wit Jungkook and Tae tomorrow, thanks!"
"I'm going to end the call now because I have a patient in, I'll see you tomorrow, bye Joon!"
"Bye Hyung!"

•920 words
•edited <3

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