Chapter 43- Jean Vest

Start from the beginning

Grunts, groans, yells, Walker growls, explosions, gun shots fill my ears as my ears ring quietly at all of the loud noises. 

My jaw is clenched and my eyes narrow at the sight of multiple gunshots being obviously aimed at Alyssa. 

I aim my gun at the man closest to her and fire at his head, 


He's down. 

I smirk and continue firing; a new machine gun gets kicked to me by Beth who is already quickly running back into the prison. 

I holster my gun and grab the machine gun. Without hesitation, I aim for the people around the Governor. With the way the wind is heavily blowing, all of the bullets are slightly being pushed to the left which means I need to aim for the people to the right of the Governor to be able to hit the Governor. 

Damien quickly stands up and runs to me, taking cover behind what's left of the wall of the watchtower. 

"We're outnumbered!" He yells, firing his gun. "Ya' fuckin' think?!" I yell back, killing another man. 

As more and more men begin to get taken down, I can see the Governor begin to rank his options with falling back or staying and possibly loosing everyone. 

The sound of one gunshot rings in my ear as I look at Alyssa and see her fly back, hitting the ground with a thud. 

Everything moves in slow motion, my heart stops and my legs feel numb. Everything goes silent as I see blood begin to leak out of the side of her stomach. 

"NO!" I scream, dropping my gun and running to her. I rip the sleeve off of my t-shirt and push it into her wound. The bleachers are protecting me mostly as I try to bring Alyssa back. 

My hands shake as they become a shiny, ruby red. Blood leaks out of her stomach like it's being poured out of a cup. 

"No, no, no, no!" I sob, taking my full shirt off and using that as it has more coverage. 

"Alyssa, Alyssa please wake up. Please wake up! No, no, no, no! NO!" I look around, trying to come up with a plan. 

"FUCK!" I scream, rage, heart break, denial, horror.

I shouldn't have let her fight. I should have made her stay back with Judith. 

"HELP!" I scream, desperately trying to catch someone's attention. 

A sob escapes my lips as I use my knee to push the shirt onto her wound and my bloodied hands cup her face.

"Alyssa, Alyssa please. Please don't leave me alone here. You're the only thing keeping me alive Alyssa please!" I turn to look at Damien and I see him angrily sobbing as he's inching closer and closer to the gate to kill as many people as he can. 

"Alyssa!" I wail, shaking her face lightly. 

There are too many gunshots for me to safely transport her into the prison and my pistol doesn't have enough bullets to protect us. 

"Please, dad! Dad, please save her! Take me, take me if you have to but please!" I wail, leaning down on her chest and sobbing. 

"Alyssa, Alyssa stay with me. Stay with me, love. You are so strong. So strong." My words come out no more than a shaky whisper. 

As the gunshots slow to a stop, I hear the voice of the Governor. "Fall back!" He screams. 

I don't look to see what's going on, I just hear the sound of engines revving and tires scratching against the gravel as the sounds fade into the distance. 

"HELP!" I scream, everybody's attention turns to me and Alyssa. 

"Get Hershel!" Rick orders, Carol, who is closest to the door, runs inside. 

Damien rushes over, tears clasp themselves onto his cheeks. 

I can barely see with tears as Damien quickly says, "Here!" And he takes his jean vest off, trading me for my blood-soaked shirt. 

I quickly swap the items and toss my shirt aside. 

"Alyssa, Alyssa what about your ladybug... Bartholomya? You can't leave her... you can't leave me." My voice cracks from my sobs so bad that you can barely understand me.

My hands are shaky as grief washes over my body. Alyssa's face turns paler and paler by the second and her closed eyes don't twitch at all. 

"Alyssa!" Carl yells, running over to her. 

Hershel quickly makes his way to us and crouches down next to her. 

"We have very little time, get her inside now!" I sob and nod as I pick her up bridal-style and quickly run into the prison. 

Damien's jean vest quickly turning a crimson red and slowly but surely becoming more and more wet with blood. 

I rush Alyssa over to the nearest table and gently set her down. 

"Take her shirt off. Beth! Grab my surgery supplies! Maggie! Grab fluid and a blood tansfuser. Adrian, are you her blood type?" I nod vigorously, "I'm O positive, I can give to anyone." Hershel nods and quickly cuts Alyssa's shirt off, leaving her just in her high waisted blue jeans and white training bra. 

"Good, she's lost a lot, she has an extremely low chance right now." He looks at me, "I need you to tell me the truth, okay?" I nod, "Okay! Just- do whatever you can, save her!" At this point, everyone is in the room, Carl is crying slightly next to Damien, who is covering his mouth, trying to muffle his sobs. 

"Have you taken any drugs recently?" I nod, "Dilaudid. Two days ago." 

I don't even care that everyone knows now, if it saves Alyssa then I'll do it. 

Hershel shakes his head, "You can't donate. If we mix medicine with-" "It doesn't matter! I don't give a fuck if I overdose! Just take my damn blood already!" 

"I shouldn't have let her fight." I say, groggily. I've given lots of blood and lots of medicine has mixed with the Dilaudid in my system. 

"Stop." Daryl says quietly. 

Everyone is still sitting in the lounge room; Damien is sitting with Alyssa's red hat in his hands. Daryl is standing next to me and everyone else is scattered throughout the room.

"I'm a terrible sister. I-I can't take care of her. I can't keep her alive I-" I begin crying quietly again as the weight of the situation weighs heavily on my shoulders. Daryl begins to say something but is cut off by Hershel. 

Hershel finishes stitching her up and he turns to me. 

"You want the truth?" He asks quietly. 

My heart drops at his words, my lip quivers and I feel a ball in my throat. 

I nod slowly, "Yeah." My mouth turns into a frown as I try to hold in my tears, eagerly waiting for his words. 

My breath shudders and a wail breaks through my lips at his words. 

"I don't think she's going to survive." 

(Summary:) The Governor and his people of Woodbury begin war at the prison. In the midst of fighting, Alyssa gets brutally shot and has little to no chance of survival. 

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