羨望 - Chapter 6

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Music Up Top: ... I'm just gonna leave you with this-

 I'm just gonna leave you with this-

Deze afbeelding leeft onze inhoudsrichtlijnen niet na. Verwijder de afbeelding of upload een andere om verder te gaan met publiceren.

Sawanese at its best lol.

Ariana Music for Fantasize keeps getting deleted so we have to go with a different one-

Where are the Thor fans. I know they're somewhere. Lurking. WHERE ARE THEY-

I am getting overwhelmed with the scent of strawberry cake in my Social Justice class please help me.

If the music is copyrighted or something just tell me. I'll replace it-

Very short chapter for Thor. Usually chapters like these would be around 1k - 10k to compare to the longer chapters for characters before their fight.

Not proofread because that's just how I am lmfao- 

1389, 32, 953 - Nether fortress cords, don't mind this HH-

As you can see, I am still not taking this book seriously by putting my Craftmine cords here- 
That will not change HH- 

Date Finished: October 17th
Amount of Words: 5,320

- Back To The Story -

Zeus looked to cheer, punching his finger into the air repeatedly as Hermes stared down at the arena with a blink.

"Hah... That was nuts..." Shiva clenched his fists, folding one of his legs behind his neck. "It's been a while since something's gotten my blood pumping like this!!" He spoke.

As for Thor, he had silently stared down at the face of Lü Bu. It had lifelessly laid on the floor. The God then looked towards (Y/n), who had already been walking back to the inside of the Colosseum.

"The first battle of Ragnarok, between the God, Thor, and the General, Lü Bu has come to close!! Thor has emerged as its victor! Humanity... has taken its first step towards extinction!!"

Göll sunk to her knees as Brunhilde felt her expression harden.

In Humanity's Stands, Zhang Fei sniffled. "Going out with a smile... That's just like him..." The male spoke. "Indeed, a fitting end." Liu Bei held out a red sake bowl, allowing for Zhang Fei to pour his liquor in. Guan Yu did the same, allowing for his brother to pour in the alcohol. The trio raised their glasses as the soldiers behind them punched their fists into their palms. "And now, a toast... To Lü Bu!"

The trio then drank from their respective glasses.

"See that? You foolish Humans!"
"Did you really think your champion even stood a chance?!"
"This is the power of the Gods!"
"Bow down!"
"Offer your pathetic lives as tribute!"

"What the hell's with that chanting...?" Göll muttered. "They're like children... yet, they call themselves Gods-?"

Brunhilde immediately walked away, making the other Valkyrie stop. "Ah... Sister Hilde-?!" Göll ran after the woman.

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