Adam vs Zeus (Part 3)

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Music up top: Dark Colossus - Kaiju (Cover by Falkkone) Feat. Rena

I did plan on posting this earlier- Forgot- 

Third part of Adam vs Zeus- N i c e-

Hell I didn't think I'd get this far-

I got invested a bit more than thought-


Afterwards... when asked what happened in that moment... The God, Ares, would respond with...

"I'm ashamed to admit it... but allow me to be frank." Ares leaned back in his seat. "Not to brag, but as the God of War, I'm well versed in the way of battle... When it comes to my old man's Meteor Jab or Divine Axe, your average God will barely be able to see a shadow of the move, meanwhile, I am capable of seeing it clearly."

("Can you follow this? Let's find out!" -Ares)

He sipped his tea. "However, are you ready?" He questioned while putting a finger up. "I swear upon the Gods that this is true. In that moment, even though... my eyes were fixated on the fight... I saw my old man raise his fist... and just as that thought crossed my mind... the next thing I knew-" Ares sipped the rest of his tea. "Was that his head, was facing in the wrong direction."


Adam was silent as Zeus had stood behind him, his head twisted a full 180 degree angle.

"H-Huh...? What...? WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" Heimdall yelled.

Zeus fell to the floor as Ares' teacup shattered to the floor. "This..." The male was then up to the railing. "THE HELL?! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?! I WAS LOOKING RIGHT AT HIM AND DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!!" Hermes hummed softly. "It appears that Human's power exceeded our expectations." Ares looked at him with a blink as Hermes gently bent his knees, pulling his fist back. "Just then, Lord Zeus made his move. At the same time, no a moment later, by some unknown force, he was able to copy it, and dodge Lord Zeus' fist by a hair... before he countered with his own fist." Hermes punched his fist forward. "Hermes..." Ares then grabbed the servant-like God's collar, lifting him into the air. "ARE YOU TELLING ME YOU WERE ABLE TO SEE IT?! DESPITE THE FACT THAT I, THE GOD OF WAR, AND OLDER BROTHER, COULD NOT?!" Hermes chuckled, flashing Ares a close eyed smile. "Of course not... I just got that feeling from watching..." Hermes' face then drew dark as he glowered down at Ares. "... Dear Brother..." He blinked with a grunt before putting the male down. Hermes softly adjusted his suit while Ares looked down at the arena.

(In any case, I had no idea of what just happened... But there was one thing that I know now... -Ares)

His eyes landed on Adam.

(Even if I... were to train for 1,000 years... I still wouldn't be a match for that Human!! -Ares)

"That's why I told you that you'd regret it... right?" Adam spoke. "THE MIGHTY ZEUS HAS FALLEN!!! HE'S DOWN!!!" Heimdall walked towards Zeus. "I can't believe it... but this isn't a dream, folks! Better wake up and smell the roses!! Because he's down for the count!"

Odin's eyebrows were furrowed as he silently glared down at Zeus.
Huginn and Muginn were in disbelief.
Aphrodite's servants had looked at the whole thing with disbelief as well, with one of them just moving her tit to see. It had gotten to the point where the servant had accidentally smacked Aphrodite in the face with her own tit.
(Y/n) had only a rather faint, but proud smile on their face.
Humans themselves were in shock.


Goll shivered. "He's strong... That guy's way too strong... Even if he can copy their techniques, being able to surpass the original is something else... Just who the hell is that guy?!" She spoke.  Brunhilde gently smirked from beside her. "I believe it earlier, but the source of that man's power is his conviction... and his hate for the Gods." She answered, Goll looking down at Adam. "Hatred...?" She muttered. Goll saw Adam silently staring forward.

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