羨望 - Chapter 1

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Music Up Top: M2 and M17 - Demon Slayer

Only one chapter in and I'm already late to school, let's go HH-

I am so not taking this book seriously ALREADY- I probably should tho-

This will be a very short chapter, but I will be making it a much longer one later on as compensation before we get onto the battles.

My teacher spoke of how he wanted to split apart my paragraphs between who was speaking or not- Should I-?

Also, one last chance.

Should Valkyries be platonic or romantic?

Finished on September 22nd.
Has not been looked over or revised since then other than to remember certain things.
Total Word Count: 2,080.

"Those who do not envy others are lucky.
It's only because they never came across one.
A person that was completely loved by the Gods.
A strong and vivid person that scorches everything.
As if they were the sun."

Seven million years of Human History is coming to an end...

The gentle clacks of footsteps were heard as a woman's hair blew within the wind.

Not by a nuclear war, or an asteroid collision.
Not even an alien invasion...

"It's finally happening... Brunhilde...!" A young woman spoke.

Youngest of the Thirteen Valkyrie
(Norse Pantheon)

The woman that stood beside her stood firm, simply staring forward in silence.

Eldest of the Valkyrie Sisters
(Norse Pantheon)

For mankind... is on the verge of an apocalypse brought in by the will of its own creators!
The Gods themselves!

Within the Council of Valhalla, Gods of all kind had sat, speaking to each other and muttering about what they had all thought. Well, that was until a God had walked right past. "Easy goes it..." He weakly muttered, keeping one hand behind his back as he slowly made his way down the stairs. Even with his weak stature, the Gods seemed to go silent in respect for him. "Phew..." The older man slowly sat down on his velvet chair as a dragon curled up around him with a soft purr. "Ohh, my back..." The God then looked towards the dragon around his chair. "Oho, there's a good girl!" The male gently pat the dragon's snout before gently grabbing his gavel. "Ladies and gentleman... your attention, please." He spoke. Everyone looked towards him. "A thousand years have last passed since last we convened. I hereby call this council to order!" He announced.

Representative of the Greek Pantheon
(Greek Pantheon)

Once a millennium, all of the Gods around the world convene for a council to determine... the fate of Mankind!

"Wow..." Göll softly fiddled with her sleeve. "W-We're in the presence of all the Gods in this world...!" She looked up at her sister. "Isn't this a glorious sight-?! Right, Brunhilde-?" Yet, the woman had no expression of excitement. Instead, she seemed deathly silent.

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