Jack The Ripper vs Heracles (Part 3)

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Music Up Top: You Know My Name - Kohta Yamamoto

Will I ever dare to put peaceful music over someone that is getting their ass beat sometime? YES-
Will I tell? ... Maybe-?


Humanity despaired before the Gods, surrendering to their will, and resorting to nothing more than prayers for mercy.

Castor was horrified that the Gods had come for the entire town. The people within had also had the same expression, bowing down for prayers.


Alcidies stood in front of the gate, gently gritting his teeth. He was starting to sweat from his anxiety of facing a God.

"A-ALCIDIES!!" Castor yelled. "What is that idiot doing...?!" He muttered.

As Alcidies charged at Ares with a yell, the male simply sighed.

(I'm not respected enough for this. -Ares)

"Move aside." He kicked Alcidies aside. "You're in my way." The teen crashed into the gate of the town.

"Th-That idiot...!! Why's he disobeying the Gods...?!"
"Don't go making the situation worse, you stupid hero wannabe...!"
"They're coming... Please... Please have mercy..."

Alcidies slammed the head of his club into the floor. "Hold it..." He spoke. "You shall not... pass..." The teen brushed the blood away from his lips. "Oh? You seem to hold quite some potential, for a Human, that is." Ares' grip on his blade had tightened before he held it towards Alcidies' face. "You've piqued my interest. Bow down before me. Do so, and I shall spare your life."

"No way..." A male muttered.

Alcidies smirked faintly. "To spare a life is just a whim of the Gods. No different to your whim of assigning sin, huh?" Ares only blinked as Alcidies looked back. "Humans are weak beings. That is why, while they wish to strive for good, at times, they must turn towards evil. And after wavering throughout their lives, Humans continue to grow. The spirit of justice lies within all of Humanity. Deep within that inherent darkness... And despite their prayers for mercy and subservience, you Gods would still opt to crush them under your feet. And you claim to be just?! In that case..." Alcidies grabbed something from under his clothing, by his hip. "In that case... I will..." He raised a certain goblet. "... WAGER MY LIFE TO OPPOSE THE GODS!!" Ares tensed. "That is..."

"Ah...!! AMBROSIA!!" Castor yelled. "Alci...!" The teen stopped upon seeing the expression on Alcidies as he looked back. "Ah... I'm glad I decided... to take this..." He looked at Castor. "I will always... be on the side of justice."

Alcidies flicked the cork off before drinking the Ambrosia. He then dropped it to the floor. Only a second later, did his insides feel like they were going to burn. Flames enveloped Alcidies as he screamed, his skin melting off.

"ALCIDIES!!!!" Castor shrieked, seeing him fall to the floor.

"Fool... That was a punishment for those that coveted divine power... There is no way a mere Human could drink from it and remain unscathed... It would appear that I overestimated you..." Ares' words soon proved to be false when Alcidies had held his wooden club over at his face. "Where are you going...?" Ares' eyes had widened upon seeing the much stronger Alcidies. His hair was now a color of white. "I told you already. You shall not pass." The male dug the head of his wooden club into the floor. "Al... Alicides..." Castor muttered. "This power!!" Ares slowly pulled back. "You're nothing more than a mere Human..." A male spoke, walking towards Alcidies. "And you keep talking my ear off. I'LL SHUT THAT MOUTH OF YOURS FOR ETERNITY!!" The male ran at the Demigod. "You fool...! Stop...!"

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