Adam vs Zeus (Part 2)

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Music up top: Adam's Entrance theme (Cover)

Second part, now onto the fighting- Nicely done-

Also to those that may have saw the notification previously, my apologies- The chapter wasn't finished yet, and I meant to save the chapter progress- Accidentally posted it instead, so my apologies-


"Wh-What a development, folks! The weapon Adam has obtained through Volundr is none other than... a Knuckle Duster!!"

Zeus gently cackled as Adam softly tilted his head, softly clenching his fist.

"This man intends to have an all out fist fight with the God, Zeus!! Could there be anything more manly than that?!"

The two males silently stared at each other. One gaze with excitement, and one with boredom.

"DAD!!!" Adam heard. He faintly looked back, seeing Cain having a grip at Abel's hair. "MAKE SURE TO SLUG HIM FOR US, TOO!! (Y/N), MOST OF ALL!!" Said Demigod's eyes closed as Eve chuckled from beside them. "Good luck, Papa!" Abel spoke. (Y/n) opened their eyes, giving Adam a faint thumbs up. Lu Bu and Chen were beside the group, now just watching. The blond contestant smiled faintly, giving the group a gentle wave before looking back at Zeus, his gentle smile just slightly widening. As some doves flew above the pair, the older God cackled. "You've got some good taste with that." He spoke, pointing to Adam's knuckle dusters. "Yeah. This is very nice." He looked at his Volundr before looking at Zeus. "So, where is your weapon, geezer?"

"H-Hey... That Human's speaking to Lord Zeus so casually..."
"Must be hearing things... r-right?"
"My, my..." Randgriz sighed faintly.
"O-Oh, Hell..." Goll muttered. She then flinched. "Randgriz-?!" She looked back at the Valkyrie.
"Lord (Y/n) allowed the residents of the Copied City to come out and watch the match. Surely, we would be bored inside." Randgriz smiled faintly.
"And I see his personality of casual talk carries on..." Brunhilde eyed a certain Demigod, seeing them blankly staring forward, looking just faintly bored as Cain shook their shoulders.
Lu Bu arched a nonexistent eyebrow as he looked at the teen.
Chen seemed to chuckle from beside Abel.

"Oh... You're talking to me...?" Zeus clenched his fists. "I really want to hear the sounds your bones make when I grind them to dust, see..." He then brung one of them to his lips, kissing his knuckles with a wink. "So I'm going bare handed!~" Adam nodded. "Hmm... Alright, gotcha. But I think you'll regret that a lot later." He spoke. Zeus weakly laughed, flashing a thumbs up to Adam. "That's the spirit!" The older God then faintly pumped himself up, gently jumping in place. "Well, that's enough for now... For starters..."

Within a split second, Zeus found himself in front of Adam with his fist behind him, ready to throw a punch.

"Why don't you try this on for size?!"

Adam's eyes seemed to go wide as Zeus threw his punch.

But within the split second the blond had, he avoided it with only the tilt of a head.

"Oh? Not bad..." Zeus spoke, once again faintly jumping in place as Heimdall started to speak.

"Z-Zeus leads with a lightning fast jab! But Adam avoids it with room to spare!" He yelled.

The crowd seemed to go wild for Adam's single movement.

"Nice one, Papa!" Abel spoke.
"YEAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Cain yelled.
"... This isn't as fast as how he went against Lord (Y/n)..." Chen mumbled.
"Hm?" Lu Bu looked at the male, seeing his soft expression of worry.

From the God's stands, there was a certain God that had sat by his VIP seat.

"Such a noisy bunch... Congratulating him after merely passing Father's first test... Humans truly are foolish creatures, aren't they, Hermes?" Said God looked at the much taller man beside him.

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