Record of Ragnarok - Chapter 27

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Music Up Top: Zai - Hiroyuki Sawano (extended to eight minutes)

Hoh boy, get ready for more Jack favoritism-

Next, Shiva and Raiden, les go--

And... I'll be taking a small break from this book after this. I need to focus on my other books for once- They've been abandoned lmao- So it may take me a certain amount of time to get the next chapter out.


"This... concludes the fourth battle of Ragnarok..." Heimdall spoke, ready to cry. "And it looks like... Jack The Ripper... is our winner..."

Said male silently looked up at the moon again, his uncontrollable sadness silently coursing through his being. He could feel the threads on his gloves starting to unravel themselves. As they had done so, they started to form into a certain small Valkyrie.

"..." Jack looked at his clean hand before looking back at Hlokk. "Why, hello again... little lady... How do you feel...?" The silver haired male flashed a gentle smile towards her. Hlokk crossed her arms, looking away from Jack with a huff. "I should be asking you that! How's it feel to kill a God?" Hlokk questioned. "..." Jack looked from her, then to the sky again. He gently clenched his fists, feeling how they faintly ached from the strain he had put upon his body. "... I do not know... This is quite the mysterious emotion..." Jack softly answered, looking up with silent wonder. "... Is that so?" Hlokk released a sigh, looking down. "So you can't even express your sadness, huh? You really are a pitiful soul." Jack's eyes softened before he looked at his clean hands. "... Me...? Really...?" He mumbled. "GYAH!!" Jack looked back at Hlokk as she looked upon her bloodied up dress. "HEY!! IT'S YOUR FAULT THAT THE ADORABLE HLOKK IS DRENCHED IN BLOOD!!" The female sighed once again, but started to levitate into the air. "Geez, I should take a shower... Hey!" Jack tilted his head faintly. "You should head to the infirmary! Got it, Boy?" Hlokk once again huffed before she began to fly off. "... Yes, ma'am..." Jack answered. He then slowly made his way back to where his top hat was. But as he had done so, he could hear Heracles' words echoing in his mind.

("I'll answer your resolve with all my might!"
"I will save you from your suffering!"
"Never forget... And I mean, never forget... I will always... love Humans..." -Jack)

He softly picked up his top hat before slowly making his way to the bridge that had led towards the tunnel. The male gently fit his top hat onto his head. "If... I could have one wish..." He softly muttered, looking down at the floor with saddened eyes. "I wish... that I could see you once more..." Though, before Jack could even have another thought, he had stumbled on the wooden floors of the bridge under him. He grit his teeth with a small grunt, collapsing to one knee. The male then looked forward, a faint feeling seeming to grow inside of him when he started to see a faint color making its way towards him from the darkness.

As the audience lay trapped in a violent whirlpool of emotion...
What they had slung towards the beaten victor...

Jack felt something smack against his top hat, fully knocking it off his head. The male stared at the crowd with eyes of faint disbelief when he had saw the pebble on the deck.


They were not words of praise, but of scorn.

Humans and Gods alike had threw rocks, pebbles, and all objects alike at Jack's figure.



Jack remained quiet, taking all of the abuse that had been thrown at him.

"Why...?" Castor muttered as he clenched his heart area, tears stinging the corners of his eyes as he glared right into Jack, just as others had done. "Why did Alicides have to...? Against a guy like him! Shit...!" Castor grabbed a rock, pulling his arm back to throw it.

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