28th Chapter.

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3rd person POV:

Only hysterical laughs could be heard around the whole apartment as the man stumbled throughout the living room with a bottle of alcohol in his hand, laughing like a maniac continuously with his eyes bloodshot red.

The man was livid, the man was devastated, the man had no idea how to process his emotions as he did so, taking a huge gulp of the tequila at once.. not even bothering that the alcohol was gushing down his chin, spilling from the corner of his lip.

He had relapsed, after years of not drinking alcohol like it was water, he had finally relapsed and there was no one beside him at the moment.

It had been 3 days since he had that breakdown regarding lilac in his student's arms who had promised to be there with him throughout the whole process, yet the same man was nowhere to be found at the moment.

Yesterday was when the surgery of the cat was scheduled, and he had waited and waited and waited outside the surgery room.. making calls again and again to that man to pick it up and be beside him just like he had promised.. yet the man hadn't shown up when he was there outside the room shaking like a leaf in anxiousness of the result of the surgery.

It was one day ago he got to know that his pet, his cat, his only family member, his daughter did not survive the surgery.. he had fallen down to his knees, unable to cry yet feeling like the world had fell down on his shoulders, his knees felt like jelly as they gave up on his holding his weight.

He hadn't been able to process anything, before he got the unalived body of the feline, he had called in to the man he fell in love with, one more time.. the phone did not connect once again and after that he had thrown his phone away to the wall in anger which had broken down to pieces. He was too much in grief to get a new phone till now.

Jungkook had not cried a single time, not a single tear was shed the moment he picked up her body and had to bury her 6 feet under.. alone.

He had not have a wink of sleep, not a drop of water had touched his tongue and not a single bite of food had reached his stomach. For the whole day after the burial, he had just sat on the floor of his living room with the feline's blanket in his arms, staring into the void before he had jumped up on his feet all of a sudden and gone to his store room in the back, trying to look for something he hadn't touched in ages.

The bottles of alcohol that had been kept out of his sight for years, he couldn't resist anymore as he took out a few of them and came back in the living room, sitting back down on the floor before he started downing them one by one.

Yes he does have alcohol time to time but it's usually something light like a can or two of beers, if he goes to parties he would order some light mocktail.. but nothing that's even close to taking in neat alcohol right from the cap of the bottle, anything like vodka, whiskey or tequila.

He had had a phase around 4 years back after graduation before he had gotten the job where he would just spend the day drinking and drinking and just drinking before Namjoon would come and handle him, take the bottles out of his grasp and make him sleep after giving him some medicine to handle the hangover.

Jungkook eventually managed to stop it and got out of it once he got the job since he needed money to survive and take care of his cat, and he couldn't really show up there drunk and sleep deprived everyday.

But after 4 years today, he felt like he had fallen back into that habit because since the time he got up he had downed a whole bottle of whiskey, and a whole bottle of vodka and now he had finished half of a tequila bottle.. it was a surprise he didn't get alcohol poisoning yet and he was still right on his feet just drunk his ass off as he giggled at nothing.

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