11th chapter.

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3rd person POV:


Jungkook hadn't expected this, not at all. In the middle of the night potentially at around 2 am he hadn't expected his student to show up at his door, quite a bit drenched probably by the drizzle that was happening outside and in just a thin hoodie and his pajamas with his eyes evidently lacking sleep and quiet.. scared?

Though he didn't hesitate much to open the door to him right away and pull inside with the way he was rubbing his hands in cold and shivering while standing there.

"Oh my god, you are literally getting blue taehyung what's wrong with you. Why would you come here at this hour?" Jungkook shouted as he quickly picked up some random towel to put it over him.

No, it's not like his sleep was interrupted..it wasn't of course, he was just done with grading some papers he had brought home and was planning to get a long nice shower and then probably head to sleep but then his door bell rang. Though he was suspicious at first about who it could be at this late, when he saw who it was he had opened the door in seconds.

And here he is right now, he put the towel on taehyung's head since his hair was a bit wet and closed the door right away, not forgetting to lock it. He turned on all the nights in the living room and made the younger sit down there on the couch before he sat beside him.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He was cut off by the younger who hugged him right away, wrapping his arms around his waist and burying his head in the shoulder as he broke out of the daze he was in as he wasn't really reacting to anything and was just looking at him and letting jungkook drag him wherever he wanted to.

"J-jungkook hyung. I was s-scared." Was the first thing he whispered once he finally stopped trembling as much as before he hugged him.

Jungkook could care less about the honorific the younger had used, he didn't even pay attention to that as he rubbed his back constantly to calm him and warm him a little.

His attention was on taehyung right now, he could care less about the way his heart was beating pathetically in his chest and how his breath was taken away the moment younger hugged him. He could care less about the fact that he hadn't been hugged this way without any sexual relation, he hadn't been just hugged in almost 5 years.

"Darling, what happened? Talk to me, hm? I'm right here. Why were you scared?" Jungkook was too sleep deprived and worried to take note of his actions right now so he was just going with the flow.

"No one was at my home and there are rumours going around in my area that there is some group of thieves going around and they break in in the middle of night and there was some sounds coming from outside and it was raining as well, i was awake and got so scared and then i had an anxiety attack because of that. Then i didn't want to be alone and you were the first person who came to my mind so i came here." Taehyung was breathing heavily as he finished telling him everything and jungkook caressed his cheek and ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to calm him down.

"It's okay, it's all okay here. No one can break in here, this apartment is on a high floor, don't worry. And I'll protect you, it's safe here. You are safe with me i promise.

You are getting anxious again, take some deep breaths for me, hm." Jungkook guided the younger who followed him and stables his breath, now the tiredness dawning upon him.

"Thank y-you for taking me in." Taehyung said in gratitude as he sniffled because of the cold.

"No no don't thank me. You could have called me earlier and i would have been there. Don't worry, okay? C'mon let's get you changed into something warm. I will make you some hot chocolate till then, hm?" Jungkook stood up from there and held his hand to make him stand up and taehyung just followed him wordlessly.

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