3rd chapter.

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3rd person POV:


Taehyung was suddenly so anxious to go to school now, he was excited before but the last day has just turned his mood sour and bitter that he just wanted to crawl in a corner and cry.

He had just arrived in the school for the first time and it was.. huge for the first thing, much much bigger than his previous one and he could see all the younger students walking here and there with books in their hands and backpacks on their backs, in similar uniforms. With their friends or alone, with messed up uniforms or neat ones, dressed in their own way whether have a hoodie over them or just a simple cardigan.

Taehyung had never felt so out of place before, he couldn't feel the sense of belonging just yet since he practically had no familiar face around here to guide him. Hell he didn't even know where the reception was supposed to be, where he would get the details about his schedule.

He had been looking around here and there while chipping on the skin of his bottom lip, his eyes red rimmed due to crying so much and his neck still has the dark hickeys which he tried to hide with some concealer he had borrowed from seokjin who was fond of make up, but he didn't exactly know how to use it so it was just barely doing it's work.

Taehyung took a deep breath before finally going inside the building, he will ask someone where the reception is.

He could see some students looking over him, finding him new probably.. it was literally near the first term exam season and he had just joined the school, must have been strange for them.

Taehyung was looking here and there in the hallway to see if there was any door with the board where reception might have written. But there wasn't, he fixed his glasses that had been falling on his nose and right when he did so, he bumped into someone turning his attention towards him.

"Umm.. sorry.. sir?" He apologised right away and bowed at the man who looked quite young but wasn't in school uniform, automatically making taehyung assume he has to be a teacher.

The tall man smiled at him with his dimples showing and patted his shoulder,"no worries! Are you new here? haven't seen you around before?"

"Uh.. yes sir. I am new here, i am Kim taehyung.. could you.. umm.. help me to know where can I get my schedule?" Taehyung asked, now that he had bumped into someone anyway.. might as well put it to use.

"Oohh another kim i see. I am Kim Namjoon, an English professor here and sometimes take the P.E classes too. How come you are this late in joining the school? Exams are starting in one month." Namjoon commented as he motioned with his hand to follow him.

"We had to shift cities because of my father's business, i attended the school in daegu for this year so i have cross checked the syllabus, it's almost similar." Taehyung answered truthfully, the man didn't seem strict even though he looked like he might be, he was actually totally different from how he looked. He had a warm gaze, totally contrasting his dragon eyes. Completely opposite from the man he had drunkenly had a one night stand with.

Taehyung cursed himself when he thought of it, the man and the whole night spent with him, and his ex-girlfriend were the only things he had thought of since then. He was still embarrassed to say the least, and hurt as well.

"There you go." Namjoon said cheerfully as he pointed at the door, and taehyung bowed at his direction one last time muttering a thank you before walking inside.





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