BONUS CHAPTER - Eruri x Reader

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Author's note
If you don't want any Eruri x reader content, u can skip this chapter and pretend like it's not apart of the story.
HOWEVER, I wholeheartedly believe that this wouldn't impact our relationship with Levi. I think he's a smart man, without misogynistic qualities, especially considering his mother was a prostitute. In my world, he wouldn't judge us for this, he'd actually be turned on, knowing we wouldn't judge him for it.

I have read a LOT, and I mean a lot, of eruri x reader and it just didn't hit.
FEAR NOT, not only have I meticulously fantasized about this an ungodly amount of times, but I can write from experience ;) however, this is my first time writing a threesome so, yes, WARNING, I'm disgusting (;

I also believe that since Levi didn't grow up with monogamy, he has the capacity to love more than one person at a time. Some days I like to read/write my story as if I'm/(Y/N) the only one he loves but other days I like to imagine he loves Erwin too, but Erwin is too emotionally unavailable to give a fuck that Levi is out raw dogging me. So they're not exclusive.. and maybe Erwin even likes to hear Levi talk about being with me, even secretly wanting the three of us to bang it out. But he doesn't want me to lose respect for him or to risk it getting out.. so refrains from asking Levi... patiently waiting for the opportunity to present itself..

So here it is, the opportunity presenting itself.

You just finished rinsing off in the shower when you realized you had forgotten your hairbrush. Debating whether or not you could go another day without washing it, you switch the faucet to fill the tub. You decided to just find the brush and leave it running.. you'd only be gone a moment. You quickly wrap a towel around your body as you make your way into the room to search your bag.

As you pushed the door open, you were met with a sight you never imagined, and your jaw dropped. There, on the bed, sat Erwin, his hand tenderly cradling Levi's cheek. They had pulled apart from an intimate moment to lock their widened eyes onto yours.
You back away, feeling as though you've witnessed something you weren't supposed to. You retreated hastily, the door clicking shut behind you as you fled back to the sanctuary of the bathroom. Leaning over the edge of the tub, you pressed a hand over your mouth, your mind a whirlwind of thoughts as the bathwater continued to fill the tub, oblivious to your inner turmoil.
The door creaked open behind you and Levi slowly approached.

"(Y/N).. it's not what it looks like.."

Oh, but it was. And instead of feeling jealous or enraged, your stomach fluttered with an unexpected thrill. You would've never thought that seeing Levi kiss anyone would turn you on, but the sight of him with the commander ignited a fervent flame within you.
A smile unfurled on your lips as you turned off the water and you spun around to meet him. With a swift movement, you let the towel fall, revealing your body, still glistening with droplets as his eyes wandered down your curves. You approached Levi, your hand closing around his wrist, guiding him out the door and back towards the bed.

Erwin met your gaze, his eyes clouded with uncertainty. You held his gaze, even as his eyes drifted down your body, dripping under the dim light as you led Levi back to the exact spot he had been before.

"Continue," you instructed.

They exchanged a look of confusion, then turned back to you. Levi clenched his jaw, sharing a defeated glance with Erwin, who sighed as he looked down. You playfully raised a brow, encouraging them and Erwin pulled Levi back into his embrace, their lips slowly finding each other again.
Their hesitation was obvious now that they had an audience, but you displayed your approval, your lips brushing against Levi's neck as you pressed your wet body against theirs.
You sucked on his skin, savoring the moment as you started to feel the wetness between your legs dribble from underneath. Your lips moved down his jawline, pausing as their kiss deepened. Slowly, you joined them, your lips meeting Levi's as he turned slightly towards you. And as you approached Erwin's, he leaned into yours before you crept your lips towards his cheek.
As you reached Erwin's neck, his arm instinctively curled around you, his hand tracing a tantalizing path down your spine. You felt the gentle caress of Levi's hand trail down your front, cradling your breast as Erwin's large hand cupped your cheek, giving a firm squeeze as he lowered onto the bed.

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