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Where you were the day the walls fell.

People surged on the streets as an unending brigade of soldiers poured into the city, creating a ton of traffic and bringing business to a grinding halt. Little did we know about the tragedies happening beyond the gate that were about to fuck everything up.

You weren't paying attention in class, the streets below your window were far too noisy today. Suddenly the principal came to the door and mumbled something to your teacher, who immediately dismissed you. You were happy to leave, you were starting to get hungry anyway.

As you head down the stairs, your eyes search for either Noah or Gwen, the only two people in this high school that you genuinely enjoy spending your free time with.

"Hey (y/n)!" You hear Noah shout from behind you as soon as you spot Gwen turning around on the flight of stairs ahead. She waits at the landing for the both of you to meet up as everyone is rushing to get out of the school.

"You guys know what's going on?" Gwen asks, her voice shaking before she continued.
"I heard that all this military is here because a titan got loose in the walls"

Noah scoffed, shaking his head in dismissal
"I doubt that, it's probably something weird happening from shiganshina... like an anarchist uprising or some shit"

"Ooh maybe the scouts actually found something out there, and the military is rushing to get to it.." her eyes lit up

You all have lived in the same neighborhood, so the three of you have become best friends during the 20 minute walk home every day throughout years. Noah's family has been friends with yours from even before you were born, so you grew up with him. The brother you never asked for..

You couldn't help but notice your walk home getting more chaotic by the minute. The presence of more soldiers than you're used to was eery enough, but they're at every corner telling people to get home, telling shops to shut down business for the day. I mean, this is the "City that never sleeps" and the military overwhelms it with their presence and enforces a strict stay at home order at 1pm on a Tuesday? The three of you couldn't hide how anxious you were getting but you all tried to keep the conversation light.

"And right as she was about to give us the quiz, Principal Gerard told her to send us home immediately" Gwen shared as she was laughing
"I mean you should've seen her face..."

You found it even harder to focus than usual, but as you got to your house, your family was waiting outside for you and rushed you in, barely giving you enough time to say goodbye to your friends.

They sat you down and explained what they knew, which was that there was a catastrophe at the gate leading into wall Maria from shignashina and that we'll be having a LOT of refugees coming in soon, so to get prepared.

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