Chapter 47: Blood in the Mirror

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"Right, well I see you have a lot to catch up on, I wouldn't want to bother you."

"It's not that you bother me, like you said, I have a lot I need to catch up on."
He motioned down to his desk, now neatly organized but still littered with an overwhelming amount of work.

"Is there anything else I can do to help?" You ask, offering yourself to him once more.
His eyes innocently drift over to the box of envelopes resting on his ottoman.

"Actually, would you minding sending those off for me?"

You agree, willing to help take some of the weight off of his shoulders as you enjoy the rest of the afternoon with your friends.
The week goes by uneventfully, you get letters from both Noah and your family, solidifying your plans to go visit Saturday. Noah's carriage will come and pick you and Jean up around noon, giving you an ample amount of time to pack and ready yourself for the journey. Thursday's meeting was informative, yet none of us have a clear plan to get to Shiganshina yet. Armin threw out a couple of valid points and Hange added her opinions on them, however Erwin's going to have to sit on it for a while, really weighing out his options as wishes to preserve his reputation. He's been seen as a 'gambler' of human lives and has gotten quite the lash back from other superiors lately.

As you wait with Jean in the lobby with your bags, Sasha and Conny join you and share how training this week had been particularly rough.

"He kept running the same drills over and over again, even though we did them perfectly every time."

"Yeah I don't know what he's trying to teach us, it's like he wants to break us all."

"We weren't training the week before, so it probably just feels harder. I don't see much of a change in our drills."

"You guys took it easy that week without me, huh?"

Jean turned to you, unimpressed by your assumption.
"We were actually, constantly, hunted down. So there was quite literally no time to spare for practice."

"It wasn't the same without you, though."
Sasha threw up a heart with her fingers

"Yeah the captain was going through it."

Jean and Sasha quickly eyed Conny, as if he had just revealed something he shouldn't of. Your eyes dart between all of them, Conny was visibly uncomfortable.

"What do you mean he was going through it?"

Jean anxiously grasped his forehead, trying to spare you from embarrassment.
"Okay I didn't want to be the one to bring it up, but these two wouldn't shut up about it."  He viciously eyed the pair. "We may have overhead the captain having a conversation with Hange."

"Well, what was the conversation?"

"We weren't eavesdropping by the way, they were pretty loud."

"We were most definitely eavesdropping."

"Yeah well he made it very obvious he was upset at what Hange told him."

"What happened?!"

"Okay, so when we were leaving our hideout, and Hange came to meet us, they must've told Levi what you were doing, because shortly after, Hange shared your mission with us. We all heard Levi shouting about how it was dangerous for you to go underground, you're supposed to be on bed rest, and how they make stupid executive decisions when he's not there. Then when Hange told him it wasn't your first time, he got really worked up and gave us all a speech on how serious it is to deal with Kenny. Basically he was upset he couldn't tell you about Kenny beforehand, that it was reckless. I don't think he meant anything else by it."

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