Chapter 14: The 57th expedition

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"SCOUTS, MOVE OUT!!" The commander bellows his war cry as the entirety of your regiment gallops out into the open fields. Mara's strong body propels you forward with contagious ferocity as you start to space yourselves away from one another. Sasha and Mikasa move further out, becoming tiny dots in the distance. Your position in the formation is in communications, which is to relay the messages of the searchers at the front, warning the formation of approaching titans using signal flares. Green flares indicate a change in direction from the commanding center, Red Flares signal a Titan has been spotted, black flares signal that an abnormal Titan has been spotted, and purple is a distress signal. You're also tasked with running spare horses because out in the fields if you don't have a horse, you're practically dead. Mara does not do well with other horses close to her, but she keeps a steady pace underneath you. She knows exactly what's going on, this is what we've been training for. She follows every direction you give her, although she expresses her frustration with her ears every now and then. You're grateful for her resolute cooperation, but this mission has become rather tedious. It's easy to become lost in thought along the ride, I'm sure that city will host some kind of celebration when we return. It would be lovely to find a piano and get in some practice, maybe tonight you and Eld can write that song you've been planning to. That's why you have to make it back, there's so much to look forward to. You keep yourself in high spirits but an hour must've gone by without any new signals, it's either everything is going to plan, or everything is falling apart. You begin to ponder your position in the formation. Why has a Erwin decided to place you at the innermost column of communications? This could be his way of protecting you, but Erwin never does anything without reason. He's viewed by many as a gambler since his decisions usually involve high risks, but you see him as calculated. In the Survey Corps, stakes are high no matter the situation, Erwin simply covers all of his bases. Finally, you see that a green flare is shot up on your right side, indicting a sharp change in direction to your left. Loading the flare gun with a green signal, you realize you're heading towards the forest of giant trees before relaying the message.
Why are we heading here? As puzzling as it is, you've already given your trust to the commander and everyone on this mission. Questioning Erwins judgment is foolish, he approaches obstacles from a strategic standpoint, remaining grounded despite personal interferences. You're proud to follow your Commander, Noah is wrong. What does he have against Erwin? Maybe you should've heard him out but his words were too harsh. You're not going to spend the ride outside the walls thinking of Noah, this moment is yours. Birds soar through the sky as your eyes trace the horizon before approaching the forest.
You notice that the formation has been broken when you spot Mikasa riding in the distance. With Mara trailing far behind her, you notice soldiers gathered on branches, soldiers that were meant to be on the other side of the formation. You veer to your left around the trees, finding Sasha on a branch, waving you down. So far, it's appeared as if everything has gone according to the plan, not a single Titan in your way nor have you had to use your gear. That may not be the case for everyone else. After securing your horses, you use your gear to shoot into the trees, landing on the branch besides Sasha.

"(Y/N)! I'm so happy to see you. I've been worried about you!"

"I'm glad to see you too! Have you seen anything yet? I haven't. Do you know why we're here? What's going on? Where is everyone?" You reply

"What, is this 21 questions?" Mikasa grunts from the branch in between you two. You turn around and catch a glimpse of her unamused face.

"I'm just confused. Where do we go from here?"

"We were directed to wait here and stop any incoming titans from entering the forest. That's all I know."

"This entire mission... none of its making any sense. It's been... uneventful to say the least, for me anyway."

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