Chapter 2: The Battle it all began

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The cadets gathered by the gate in Trost, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the scout regiment. You decided to join Eren, Armin and Mikasa. They were a bit younger than you, but man have they grown fast. Usually you've tried to stick around the older Cadets but most of them didn't choose the Scouts.

"Hey guys" you say warmly with a huge smile.  They greet you and then

"In all honesty.. okay look I know you're friends with him but do you know about Jeans family?" Eren asked

You were really confused but honestly you didn't know much. You didn't know him before training and his family was in a neighborhood on the other side of town.

"Come to think of it, no. I had no idea who he was until training"

Eren glanced back to Armin who had his hand over his mouth. You eye them suspiciously

"Why did something happen?" You giggle

"Sasha said she found this... note when she went to put a fry in his pocket and it was this letter from his mom and.." Eren couldn't even finish his sentence without laughing. After staring there waiting for an explanation, I joked

"What? He got skid marks in his tighty whiteys again?"

They bursted out laughing, even Mikasa giggled "What do you mean by 'again?'" She asked.

"So you're going to answer my question with another question?" I smirked back

Suddenly the gates starting opening and in poured the remaining scout regiment. All our focus turned to them.

"Look! It's Captain Levi" a voice shouted

"They say he's like an entire brigade unto himself" another added

"Look how excited everyone is, it's like the crowd has a different energy now" Eren said.

"Seems like a good omen, we're 5 years without an incident" a voice behind us exclaimed. We turned around to a smiling redhead, her sweet voice was full of hope.

"And check out all the canon upgrades! The sight alone oughta be enough to scare em off!" The man standing next to her added.

"You in denial cause you're a couple? What's that about?!" Eren bursted out

Armin and Mikasa turned to you for support but your eyes didn't leave Captain Levi

"Smash." you blurted out

Mikasa punched your shoulder and you turned to face them both. You looked at her

"Maybe if you you two were a couple, he wouldn't have these outbursts. Men get irritable when they aren't getting laid" and told her with a smirk on your face.

"Woah woah it's not what it looks like!" The redhead exclaimed while shaking her arms around. Eren was still fuming but seemed to not even hear your comment, although Mikasa looked down, unreadable expression, but you knew you left her with a few worthy images to cook up.

Some Garrison soldiers approached the trio and they all started chatting, seems like they knew each other. You allowed yourself to zone out again and stared at your future comrades, studying them the best you could. One woman with glasses and a ponytail was talking to Levi excitedly, although he seemed to ignore her entirely. Oof.

As the gates closed, your group was redirected to the cannons atop the walls. We learned about their mechanisms in class but it was actually pretty neat to explore them in person.

"Can you guys keep a secret? I totally just helped myself to the officers pantry" you overheard Sasha announce as she pulled a a nice chunk of salami out of her jacket. She started drooling as everyone told her to put it back.. then they all started going on about their meaty desires. I got up to join them when I noticed superiors glancing at us

Hesitation 18+🔞Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon