Chapter 1: The Closing Ceremony (850)

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Edit Nov 15th 2023: re-reading this back & rewriting some things.. just wanted to add that y/n is however old you'd like. We did finish high school before enlisting +3 years of training. However long you would like the gap to be from the first part till now totally up to you, the dates are just a suggestion
I'm writing chapter 57 now and oh my.. I hope you get there with me. Okay enjoy! I hate long notes.

The heavy rain is beating on your face.. you're soaked, uncomfortable and exhausted as you and the rest of the 104th cadets run alongside the commandant on horseback.
You know he is taking mental notes on all the trainees, notes that will affect your future from now on. You've spent the last 2 and a half years doing your absolute best and have gotten so much stronger than you were before. However, there were so many naturally gifted trainees in your class, you found yourself simply trying not to stand out in a negative way rather than be the hero.

Thoughts of Keith Shadis
"(F/N) (L/N). If humor could kill titans, she'd be a fine solider. But her usage of the ODM gear is unimpressive"

You'd think you'd get used to all that running by now but you haven't. As the rain clears, you make it to a spot in forest where the next part of the exam will resume.

"WE MEET BACK HERE IN 5 AND NOT A SECOND MORE" Commandant shadis announced to you all.

You dropped your backpacks on the ground and drank as much water as you can, trying to dry yourself off before you'll have to pounce around on ODM gear. While you still have a minute to spare, you walk up to one of your comrades, Jean. He's become a good friend of yours since he's also from Trost, but his skills on the ODM gear were incredible and you really appreciated the way he'd taken the time to help you improve.
While your reflexes on the ground were unmatched, being suspended in the air threw you off balance and you were never entirely able to shake off your fear of heights. You never knew you were afraid of heights until you put that ODM gear on, defying gravity was unnatural and you wish more than anything that you were good at it, but that just wasn't the case.
Sure, you've come such a long way in building your balance, but it took far more effort than the others. You have enough control over yourself in ODM, but you play it safe every time, keeping your speed consistent and not taking risks on fancier, speedier maneuvers. Being agile in the air is much harder than it looks.

"Hey (y/n)" jean let out as you approached, he was still panting as he tightened his gear.

He noticed your worried expression about the upcoming part of the exam
"Listen, you've got this. Remember how you were last week? You were flying through the air! Don't hesitate on your switchbacks, be confident and I know you'll ace this" he said with a smile
"Remember, it's all in your core, keep your legs tucked and your speed will work with you, but if your body isn't tight then it'll work against you" he patted his core with a fist
"I'm tight as hell (y/n), and that's why I'm a God with my gear" he smirked

"Thank you" you smiled back.

You hung up your cape to dry as you approached Noah and Gwen. They stood tall beside you with their drenched clothes clinging to their muscular bodies. They've become exceptional soldiers, exceptional adults... they've grown so much and seeing them stand tall and proud ready to ace this exam moved you.
The frail children you once were didn't exist anymore, you can't afford yourself the luxury of being nervous now. This moment is what everything comes down to. The cadets took their places as Commandant Shadis explained our task, calling us up one by one to be graded.

"CADET SHANKO, you're up!" He yelled to Noah, who quickly took his place and readied himself to slaughter fake titans.


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