Chapter 36: Pawn

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"I'll put down 20 for now."
You place a silver coin in a cup at the edge of the table, as does red.

Before you bring up Gwen, you have to speak with Noah first. Outright asking for information about Gwen might make her weary of you, it could even put you into trouble. Realistically, there's no way for you to know Gwen unless you were from above ground, and if Gwen told her she was in the Garrison, your entire cover could be blown. Besides, you want to see how she is at chess before you accumulate any real risk. You hadn't discussed this at all with Noah and Nelson, things aren't exactly going to plan, but in a way, they're going better than expected.
She instructs you to make the first move, as she's the one who invited you to play. After a little while of going back and forth, a man comes and sits at the table behind you, calling dibs on playing Red next.
You try to observe her and the way she plays, you haven't played at all since Eld passed away. Her moves don't really give much away, but something about the way she's playing makes it think that she's going easy on you.
You notice Noah is no longer playing his card game, but watching you from the bar. You carefully contemplate your next move, carefully avoiding the numerous elementary traps she's set for you. Within 30 minutes, you take her queen and shortly after, declare check mate.  She looks up at you with an insidious smile, and you try your best to keep your emotions hidden, but you've spent the entire game itching to speak with Noah.

"Winner has next game." She tells you as you gather the winnings from the cup.

"I was going to get another drink, didn't that gentleman call dibs on next to play with you?" You politely remind her.

She looks over to him, eagerly awaiting your seat.

"As long as it's okay with you." She lets out, something behind her words feels frustrated, but she rearranges her pieces as you make your way back to the bar, next to Noah.

"I'll have the moonshine, the same as Red's ordered."
The bartender nods as he completes his previous orders.

Noah leans in to discreetly whisper to you.

"I think that lady is Gwen's father's mistress." He says in your ear.

"Yeah, apparently his name is Bucky."

"What happened over there?"

"Well, I won 2 silver coins. She asked if I want to play for money or information, so I wasn't sure what to say, I just put down 20."

"Smart. She has to know where Gwen is."

The man puts your drink down in front of you and you take some painful sips, hoping for the liquid courage to kick in.

"I can't just ask her. She's going to think we're after her. I told her what we discussed earlier."

"Are you going to play her again?"

You pause, trying to word your thoughts.
"Maybe when I know what to ask her."

Noah begins sipping his beer, contemplating how the two of you should move next. Regardless, you're going to be following Bucky once he leaves, you try thinking back to what Red told you.

"She said her son practices tattooing on her, after she saw my ink she wanted to play a game of chess."

"Don't ask about him. Her son is off limits."
You take a breathe and try to think of something to ask her, anything. That's when Noah leans in and tells you what to do next.

"Ask her where to get kope."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because maybe it'll lead us to where Gwen gets hers."
You consider his suggestion, it's not a bad idea. It could lead you in the right direction. As you finish your drink, you make sure to keep a watchful eye on her game, seeing how she plays and trying to pick up any strategy she might have.

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