Chapter 43: Ruler of the Walls

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Orvud District Regiment Branch

You tie up your horse by the other soldiers and gather with your comrades in the courtyard while you wait for the Garrison Officials to meet with the Commander.

"Hey, um.. how are you?"
Conny asked besides a concerned Sasha.

"Yeah, I mean, not any more or less alright than the rest of you..."

Mikasa chirped up and met you with interrogating eyes
"How did you know where we were?"

"I was sent on a mission to infiltrate the enemy... I succeeded." You respond while all eyes are on you.

You understand that your comrades are naturally curious, you did just kind of show up in the middle of nowhere after having not been seen in over a week.

"So like, a spy?"

"Awww I want a solo mission!"

Conny turned towards Sasha
"Yeah I don't think you of all people would be trusted with a solo mission."

"Clearly not you either."

"You were a spy?!"

"Something like that." You respond and a yawn escapes from your mouth. It's been a long day, but it's nowhere near over. This morning, Gwen was alive, and now, she isn't... because of you.

You clench your eyes shut, the look on her face right before she died was so unfamiliar, it's almost as if it wasn't her... The scene replays all over again, they came around that corner and took notice of you.. if it wasn't for the mechanics of their gear requiring their anchors to be sucked back in, in order to shoot, you'd be dead. You've never seen Gwen look so angry, so determined to end you. She didn't look hurt nor betrayed, she looked as if she had been waiting her entire life for this moment. Did she know? Know that you'd be the one to end her life, was she secretly hoping for a way out of this world? All you can do is tell yourself that, just to feel good enough to carry on right now.

"Alright, enough with the questions you assholes, the meetings about to begin. Historia, there's something we need you to do."


"This is an order from Erwin. Once we finish off this Titan, you'll become queen, seeing as you're the true successor to the throne."

"Wait, Queen Historia?!"

"The coup d'etat was successful, but the people won't follow military rule forever. We need them to believe the heartfelt story of a rightful heir retaking her crown from the false king."

"A coup d what?" You ask

Levi turned his attention to you
"I'll fill you in later."

Historia looks down, unhappy with his request. Conny notices that she's uncomfortable with that, and brings up the fact that maybe separating from a bloodline that's never served her is necessary. Levi remains unamused as Conny fumbles over his words, Jean interrupts, sticking up for Historia.

"I just don't think it's fair, she's more than just a bloodline."

It seems that you've missed out on quite a bit, if Historia is the true ruler, what reason would she have to not take back the throne?
Historia looks up to meet Levi's eyes, firmly accepting her new role, to everyone's surprise.

"I have one condition, get me some gear."

"No. You will wait in a safe place."

"Captain, you're the one who told me that I needed to be in charge of my own destiny. This is my choice."

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