Stark tells Rhodey to take down all of them before they leave the floating town.

"We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you," Steve informs as he watches Vision go after the other Legions.

"What about the core?", Bucky questions as he looks behind where Wanda walks toward it.

"I'll protect it. It's my job," Wanda reassures them.

Pietro speeds over to her as Steve nods at them before turning his attention back to his best friend and the oddly silent God of Mischief, "Can you take care of her?"

Bucky remains quiet at first but when Loki doesn't respond, he does mumble, "Yeah."

With that, Steve, Thor, Iron Man, Clint, Natasha, and Hulk go off to check if everyone is safe on the boats. They don't want to leave even one soul on this nearly annihilated rock.

Suddenly Shadow begins to mumble uncoherent words to herself as her body starts shaking and the tears fall in streams.

"This is all my fault," she whimpers through a sob and in horrendous pain.

That snapped Loki out of his thoughts and saunters towards her with a finger pointing at his beloved. Clearly, his state of being betrayed takes over him as he shouts with a growl, "You!"

Bucky notices how her eyes get wide in fear while she hisses in pain as she tries to crawl away from Loki. To stop Loki, Bucky stretches out his left arm and gently says, "Leave her alone, Loki."

If not the betrayal, sorrow, and fury were enough, with Bucky stepping in to protect her, his jealousy grew.

"She can barely walk. Let's get her to the ship and finish the mess with Ultron first, alright?", Bucky suggests to Loki.

Loki chuckles darkly as if he's done dealing with everything. He hates it that his jealousy is taking over. The loathing thought of someone else taking care of his little Goddess gets the hang out of him. Yet, his rage gets the upper hand and before Loki makes it worse, he disappears and teleports himself away.

Natasha was driving Clint back to the boat as Clint talked about future plans for his country house. As they reach it, Natasha goes to find the Hulk to sing him his lullaby. Clint hops off and joins Loki who sits criss-crossed on the floor with his elbows propped on his knees and head in hands.

"Hey, buddy. You okay?", Clint asks as he plops down next to Loki.

Loki sneers, looking up to meet Clint's legitimate expression. Loki didn't think he would look at him with regard and grieve at the shocking information they just got back then. However, Loki falls into his old scheme and masks his true feelings.

As Clint notices Loki rolling his eyes and glaring to the side, he decides it's best to let him be. Of course, Barton thinks it's not the best to push the grief away but he also understands why he doesn't want to talk yet. It is fresh for all of them and especially Loki needs more time to process what he just heard.

After a while, Bucky with Shadow, looking pale and defeated, in his arms, joins them. Unhurriedly, he puts her down next to Loki who ignores their arrival as he stares into the void.

Bucky looks down at both of them. Sighing sadly, he turns away and helps Steve gather all together to get on the last ship before Tony and Thor can fulfill their plan of pulverizing Sokovia.

A woman yelling out her son's name caught Clint's attention since Loki was busy with his mentality and the other fellow Avengers rescuing the rest of the city. The mother has tears in her eyes as she tells him they were just at the market.

Hawkeye sighs, but he's an Avenger, so he has got a job to do. Shooting to his feet, with his perfect sight, he spotted the young boy and sprinted toward him.

Even when Shadow was feeling sore with the bruises decorating her body, she sensed the upcoming threat. With a muffled whimper through gritted teeth, she sits upright to locate the threat.

Sure, Pietro is a speedster but to Shadow's eyes it went by in slow-motion, and however, she was too late to react.

"No," she whispers with a slight gasp before she teleports.

She reappears before Clint who holds the scared little boy securely in his arms and Pietro who smirks proudly but is alarmed.

As he looks down at the bullet holes caused by Ultron firing the guns from the flying quinjet, the blood trickles out from his body. He spurts out a bit of the crimson-colored liquid from his mouth when he remarks, "You didn't see that coming."

Pietro falls dead onto the ground. Shadow lands on her knees from all the emotions before and it is too much for her to bear another demise. Clint makes sure the kid in his arms doesn't see any of this since children should never witness something cruel like this.

The Goddess of Death repeatedly mutters 'no' under her breath while she crawls closer to the dead teenage boy. Ignoring all of her nuisance. She tries to stop his bleeding, although she knows exactly it is too late to rescue him.

Tears trickle down her cheek when she finds it unfair of life to treat a young guy who just protected someone else's life to pay for it with such a dreadful consequence.

And because of the stupid karma he just earned, Shadow Butcher decides to fulfill her purpose. The purpose is why she even got sent out of the Afterworld by Anubis. Why she was the chosen one to do such an errand? She is the Goddess of Death after all, and she will bring him back to life if he's willing to do so.

These are the stakes she has to deal with. She can't fight against Ultron anymore, knowing damn well she's too vulnerable for that kind of battle. But if she can do something straight for once today, it is to revive Pietro Maximoff.

Shadow wipes her tears away with her black cape and turns off her emotions. Neatly, she ignores Clint's warning who tells her they need to get on the lifeboat now.

Her hands tremorously hover over Pietro's wounded chest as they are covered in the black shadows. So are her eyes when she chants the ancient Egyptian words to return his soul to a restored body for a second opportunity in life.

From afar, Loki notices something is improper when Clint tries to pull Shadow away from a dead body on the bombarded concrete one-handedly. Off onto Loki's feet, he marches towards them after he tells one of the guards to not take off before every single one of them is on board. As soon as he recognizes what his love is doing, he speeds up.

Clint meets his worried face and tells him, "We need to take them on board before it's too late."

"Go, I've got this," Loki answers troubled.

Clint runs off to bring the boy back to his older sister and his mother before he returns to Loki. Loki knew to better not interfere during her procedure of reviving. And just before he could stand behind her, he caught her when her body lost consciousness and at the same time, Pietro gasped for air.

Just in time, Clint crouches down to Pietro to settle him down from the shock of being shot, then falls dead to the ground and immediately after being back alive. The teenage boy was breathing heavily as he checked his surroundings as if he was trying to figure out if he was in heaven, hell, or just back alive.

"Come on, kid. We gotta go," Clint exclaims and helps Pietro back up to his feet. "Loki, you have her, right?"

Loki was hesitant at first when he picked his beloved Goddess up in bridal style. When he hears Clint's wary question, Loki gulps and nods. He can't blame him for not trusting Loki in this state of mind to carry Shadow back to the boat. Yet, he did it because whatever the motives were for the abortion, he didn't want to lose her either.

In the last seconds before they got on the boat, Steve, Nat, and Bucky ran to meet them and jumped on the ship. Only a second was missing and they wouldn't have made it safe when Sokovia fell to the ground.

Now it was in Tony's and Thor's hands what would happen next.

Shadow Butcher (LokixAvengersxOC)Where stories live. Discover now