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The next morning I woke up without Loki by my side. At first, I was startled by not waking up in my room until I remembered what happened the previous night. That's when my heart skipped a beat followed by a sad sigh. I groan out frustrated at how I missed him already and maybe I was too oblivious of thinking we could be more than just friends. And I hate to admit that I was already a bit in love with the God of Mischief a long time ago.

Before I head to the lab where I will meet Bruce and Tony again, I go check my injury- or period- in the bathroom and I sigh in relief when it finally stops. I follow my morning routine and then get to the elevator. On the way I wondered where Loki could have been staying all along since I hadn't seen him in our apartment this morning.

To my surprise, when I entered the lab, I faced the two scientists with the devil I thought about. All of them stopped whatever they were doing but Tony and Loki hid something behind their back. I raise my brow expectantly and cross my arms.

"I totally want to say that I'm not interested in what you're doing but you caught my attention with what you're trying to hide," I tell them and cross my arms before my chest with my foot tapping on the floor.

Something falls to the floor and I turn my head to Banner who apologizes almost a dozen times and picks up the folder from the ground. I roll my eyes at his clumsiness before my attention turns back to the other two who are now smiling like two idiots who did something which she shouldn't have.

"Jazz, you know I don't like Reindeer Games over here but it's unfair to not invite him for a reunion party of the Avengers tonight," Tony starts and receives a glare from Loki beside him which he perfectly ignores. "And I thought we could play a game. And who's better in plotting a game none other than the trickster?"

Loki holds his chin up high, his ego gets praised by Tony's words. "If you think we are going to spill anything about the game, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore, doesn't it?", Loki smirks and puts something into Tony's bag before he stores it away, locked up in a safe.

I press my lips tight together, not sure if I should believe their excuses or not. I look intently at them but neither one of them changes their expression, so I decide to leave it be.

"Fine," I grumble and sit back on top of the table where I sat last evening before we ran some tests. "I'm feeling good enough to continue the procedure." I nod my head towards Banner.

Loki blinks in confusion and steps closer to me but has a concerned eye on the two who look at me unsure. "Procedure? What procedure?"

Bruce puts his glasses down and walks around the table. "Are you sure? Did you recover from whatever you had last night?"

I frown slightly, and I want to say something, yet Tony cuts me off. "No, Jazz. One day of recovery isn't enough. Let's take a day off, yeah? We have some other things to do like organizing the party for tonight."

"Shadow, what are they speaking of?", Loki steps in front of me to block my viewing of Stark and Banner. "And why is Stark calling you like Midgard's music genre?" His brow furrowed in utter confusion. It was cute seeing Loki so clueless.

I jump down from the table. "Bruce wanted to monitor me while Tony extracted the aether out of me but it never came to it."

"Yeah, she got her period before we even started," Tony chirps and grins.

I shoot daggers at him with my glare. "It wasn't any monthly woman problem I got," I whine and exhale sharply through my nose. "I oppose it has something to do with all the stress I'm going through at the moment. That's it."

Tony snaps his finger and points at me, making me frown even more. "Another reason to take a day off." I scoff and then he claps his hands. "Why don't you two go follow Dr. Sanders's order, will you?"

Loki chuckles and everyone, including me, looks over at him in disbelief. His eyes shine brightly in excitement as he stares into my soul, making me a bit uncomfortable. I wasn't so sure if I wanted to spend a day with him after the last two days. Although I enjoyed it, it concerned me even more.

So I shift on my feet. "What's so funny, Frosty?"

Tony bursts out laughing, telling me that he finds the nickname hilarious and even Bruce is trying to hold back a chuckle but his small smile betrays him. Loki instead rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed that I told the nickname in front of others.

"Care to explain why you keep calling her Jazz, Iron Douche?", Loki mocks back with a slight winning smirk.

I puff out a laugh at Loki's backfire and this time not even Banner could hold his laughter. Though, his laughter isn't as long and loud as mine.

Tony's smirk falters and he looks serious now. "Alright, you won, Frosty. I call her Jazz because that's simply her name."

Loki squints his eyes, not quite following any of this conversation anymore. "I thought your name was Shadow Butcher? Were you lying?"

Bruce clears his throat before he explains, "Technically, it is her name, just translated from whichever language."

Loki's eyes jump around on each one of us, trying to detect any lies until his eyes linger on me a bit too long for my liking. "I swear, I didn't lie to you."

His jaw clenches and steps closer to me. "Then I suggest you tell me your true name, little reaper." His voice traced with venom sends me a shiver down my spine and I take a hesitant step back. "And don't you dare lie to me again or you'll face some consequences."

His emerald eyes shone with mischief and although I got scared, I felt a rush of excitement running through my system and somehow deep inside me, I knew he didn't mean any harm to me. But that's something the others don't know. And of course, shouldn't know either.

"Hey!", Steve yells and pulls Loki away from me and slams him to the nearest table. He holds him on the hem of his shirt and pushes him down on his chest so he wouldn't dare to move. But Loki knows nothing better than to smirk. Steve tries to understand why by the look of confusion on his face. "Enough, all of you. We have a meeting."

Tony smacks Steve's shoulder so he can let Loki go. "Cap, I doubt Rock of Ages was threatening her." Steve cocks his head slightly and I feel my cheeks heated up. Embarrassed that Tony noticed and it seems Loki is taken aback too. "I'll just drop the bomb. It's some kind of kink they have."

"Okay, I don't think I want to know more details," Steve cuts him off and storms off the laboratory with a straight face.

I let out a breath I was holding in and spoke up, "Since Loki and I aren't quite members of the Avengers, we don't have to join the meeting, right?"

Loki scoffs. "Oh, now you take me as an excuse to not attend a silly meeting?" He crosses his arms. "Whether you like it or not, we are going to attend it. Even more, since you tried to use me as an excuse."

"Love birds," Tony calls and we snap our heads at him. "I hate to break it to you but you are part of our team. No expectations."

I groan frustrated and run up to Tony. "But that means probably no party tonight and Loki and I still have to do our given task from your psychiatrist," I try to change his mind, flashing him a broad grin and hoping he would fall for it. My eyes blink rapidly.

But Tony smirks back and pinches my cheek. "Nice try, Reaper. The party can still go on, if not tonight then tomorrow. And you two have plenty of time to spend your days and nights together. You share an apartment in my tower."

Tony winks at me and follows Bruce out the door. I sigh exasperated when I hear Loki chuckle in amusement and walk past me. And so I had to follow them behind after my defeat of argument.


Author's Note:

Thank you to everyone who is still reading this Fanfic!

This story reached 2K reads and all the votes mean a lot to me.

Anyway, Loki Season 2 keeps giving me inspiration to write further.


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