Avengers Party

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Loki and I walk hand in hand down the stairs. Loki smirks beside me, supporting me while I walk down the stage casually.

Yeah, both of us spent the last three days like teenagers fresh in love. And it never got boring. Each climax was built up differently. And with each release, the pleasure got turned into a better bliss.

And that is how I am walking at the moment. With sore legs but also damn well satisfied.

Although somehow I still had a sensitive stomach. After Loki and I had our intercourse, I went to the bathroom and puked all over the place. At least Loki's the kind of person who slumbers for two minutes after we went wild. He never did before but I guess since he trusts me, he can open up and that means he feels secure enough to sleep in my presence after such an act.

Not only did we do it like animals. Loki and I spent the mornings, afternoons, evenings, and nights, arm in arm. Cuddled together and enjoyed each other's company. We cooked together, ate together, drank together, relaxed together, and talked together.

And the conversations were deep. After I retold what I'd learned in the Afterworld, Loki went silent. At first, I thought it was because I'd disappointed him but lastly, he remained still which turned out, to him considering opening up.

Loki did.

About his mother first. He misses her and until he spoke up, he couldn't grieve properly. Just like he was for me, I was there for him. Although it pains me to see him hurt, it makes me happy that he trusts me with telling me the story.

The story of Thanos was horrifying. And no, it isn't a made-up story, it was a real one. He let me see it. The purple alien tortured him with heat, beating him up until the scepter influenced Loki enough to invade the planet I am liable to protect it.

With the Mad Titan as our enemy, I'm certain it was a good choice to go for the infinity stones. Yet, we still hope he won't come this soon. The more he told me what Thanos was up to, although he's not quite sure about it yet, the more I knew the stones were my new purpose.

Although I wanted to tell the others about that cruel Titan, I had to promise Loki to never say another word about it.

I've never seen Loki this scared. Perhaps then when he got his mind back when I knocked his head on the battlefield of New York. But only exchanging words about Thanos terrified him.

I bet it's not everything he has told me, nevertheless, it is enough for me to want to slice the purple throat open until his blood runs out.

"I muse I shall be more gentle with you the next time, is that so, my little goddess?", Loki whispers into my ear, making my neck hair go up.

Clearing my throat, I ignore his comment, though Loki's smirk gets wider with the silence. His winning chuckle gets overshadowed by someone telling a story with pride.

I lead the way toward the voice and meet him, Tony, Thor, and Agent Hill.

Thor seems a bit confused, "That's the whole story?"

"Yeah, it's a War Machine story," the man who told the story exclaims as if it was a very big deal.

"Oh, you must be General James Rhodes then," I greet him and stretch out my hand.

He takes my hand and shakes it, then he goes for Loki's but realizes it's him. Rhode's eyes jump over to Tony and then back to meet Loki's green eyes.

"I promise, General. I won't bite," Loki assures him but his grin plays a mind game with the poor man. I elbow him which causes him to grunt and that makes Rhodey sigh in relief and shake his hand too. "Really? You trust her more than me?"

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