No Weapons, I am the Weapon

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After Loki helped me heal my open fracture, I felt so much better. Still powerful but I haven't reached the 100% yet. I'd say, I could fight but my blows were effective only 80%. Keeping my lesser energy in mind, I throw all my weapons-daggers and pistols-to the ground. By carrying them, I'd get quicker out of breath because of their weights. Knowing now HYDRA can't reach me anymore, I can show the world the almost full potential of my powers.

We watched our backs as we fought our way to Steve and Thor in the middle of the city. FRIDAY was analyzing the upcoming catastrophe. As she told us about how Ultron tries to extinct us and is still searching for a solution, let's just say, Loki saw my reaction.

"She'll find a way." He smiled at me as we had a few seconds of a break from the Iron Legion attacking us. "If not, I assure you, darling, I'll be having you and never leave your side whilst you guide them into your realm."

His voice flowed huskily and it still sounded so calm even if he was out of breath. Even though I appreciate his sweet promise, I doubt he would still be with me after I'm going to tell him what I did.

The ground started to shake again, the people around us holding onto their dear lives while Loki and I were keeping our balance. We held onto our arms to steady our stances as we watched the set.

Is it bad that I felt relieved about the earthquake so Loki didn't notice my worry? Maybe so, but it doesn't matter right now.

And with a negative mind, I start to scan my surroundings. Roads are broken, people running for their dear lives and the robots attacking them. I was scared for them as I imagined how their lives would end in a war led by an A.I. Their future would be gone in a nick of time.

Loki embraces me in his arms as he sees me overthinking. With the smell of the God of Mischief and a trace of salty but also sweet sweat, I close my eyes and try to gather back my energy.

Metal screeching on metal, the sound pulls us apart when Bucky fights against one of the androids that are attacking us.

"I'm pro-love but can you at least save it for later?", Bucky questions after he tears off the head from the android and throws it in front of us.

I watched the ripped head roll toward us until it came to a halt. Its eyes glow faded until it powered off from not being connected to its body.

Loki nods in appreciation and we get back to fighting. The longer, the colder it gets. Makes sense when we're in a flying city. This also means the air is getting thinner. For us Gods, probably the super soldiers too, it won't affect us as much as all the civilians and the fellow Avengers.

"The next wave's gonna hit any minute. What have you got, Stark?", Steve asks through the earpiece.

And so Tony informs us, "Well, nothing great. Maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear."

"I asked for a solution, not an escape plan," Steve adds a bit disappointed with a slightly stressed undertone.

"Impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're going to have to make a choice," rushes Tony.

"Cap, these people are going nowhere. If Stark finds a way to blow this rock..." Natasha drifts off when she sees us coming.

"No," I tell them. "We need to save them. There has to be another way."

Trying to figure out how I can bring these humans to safety makes my heart rate accelerate but it stops for a second when I can't do it by myself. Nor have I even had another solution with the team on my side.

Steve nods at me, noticing my concern, and says, "We don't blow this rock 'til everyone's safe."

"Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There's no math there," Nat adds and tilts her head to look down over the edge.

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