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Yesterday, I woke up with some cool bracelets on my wrists. But when I tried to teleport myself to the kitchen, because sometimes also a Goddess is lazy as fuck, I remained on the same spot in my bedroom. Frustrated, I tried and tried it again. After the twelfth time, I gave up.

I was pissed when I concluded that these bracelets were some restraints to control my powers.

Stomping towards the elevator, I hit the button to the main area and when the door opens I shouted the Avengers' names, one by one.

On the couch only to be found, Bruce and Steve. Their heads snapped toward me and ask me what was wrong. Stepping out, I stagger toward them and raise my arms to show them what I am referring to them.

Bruce quickly shoots a pleading look at Steve, who deeply sighed. "These are for safety precautions."

I lower my hands and walk to the window, laughing for myself as I shake my head in disbelief. "This wasn't the deal."

"No, the deal was your stay here with Loki," Bruce answers this time.

"You're not our prisoner but we still don't know what you're capable of." Steve continues and I turn around.

"Who made these?" I question and the question went directly to Bruce.

Steve is about to answer but I hold my hand to shut him up and wave my other hand for Bruce to answer me.

"Tony and I worked on them together." Bruce's eyes never leave his hands. "Loki's should stay like these, to block his magic. But we tried to upgrade yours. So you can still use your powers limited. Yet we haven't enough data to do so."

As I clap my hands, he looks up at me. "Congratulations, Bruce Banner. You and Stark are one of a few who could hold me hostage."

"We're not holding you as a hostage." Steve steps in, stands up and pushes me a little further behind.

I glare at his hand touching me but soon realize why he did so. To give Banner some space. He is checking his pulse and shuts his eyes. Even though I feel a little offended by them betraying me, I try my best to ignore the fact. The fact that Bruce tries his best not to Hulk out was Steve's best action to shut me up before everything escalated.

"How about we go join Natasha?" Steve suggests and leads me to the elevator. "When was the last time you fought without your powers?"

"You would be surprised, Rogers," I mutter and pinch my thumb.

"Then it's about time to train your skills in case you're out of energy."

Well, that wasn't what I meant... But that's none of his concern. He shouldn't know that I was forced to train without my powers. In which they used my weakness against me and forced me to be somebody else. Nonetheless, I do save up my powers for the end. To give a touch of drama to the act.

"I didn't know you would bring in a student, Cap." Natasha greets. "Do you want to change into something else?"

"Nope, in case of an unexpected intruder you gotta be ready. Or since when do we have time to change into something comfortable?"

"Show me what you got."

Then I step onto the mat and I wait for Steve to join.

"No, I'll be observing. I'll join later."

"That wasn't a question, Steve," Natasha answers for me as if she could read my mind.

So now, the three of us stand on the matt.

I frown when I see Natasha having her two batons and Steve his shield. Natasha attacks me first with the stick but I catch them elegantly in my fists and yank them away. Although she didn't expect that, she returns me with a smile. With that, I side-kick her and she stumbles backwards.

In the meantime she gets back up, I approach Steve and throw a punch which he blocks with his shield, making a loud noise in the hall.

"Ah, fuck you, Steve!" I groan and shake my hand to ease the pain. He sends me an apologetic look but I just roll my eyes and with an axe kick I toss his shield away. "Now this should be a fair fight."

As I kick the shield away. I hear a tear and somehow feel how cool it gets between my legs. When I check, the seam on my inner thigh, I notice that I ripped my black skinny jeans.

"Dude, those were my favourite pants."

Unaware, Natasha jumps up my shoulders, doing the famous Black Widow straddle. I bend over a little and tackle her with Steve. He catches her and puts her back down. Right when she gets onto her feet, I punch her into the chest. Nat falls onto the ground and I roll her over, my knee pressed onto her back until she taps out.

"Only one to go," I whisper to myself and turn over.

Steve grabs me from behind, with my arms behind my back and throws me over his shoulder. I take a swing and bring him to the ground. Yet, I am still underneath him and well, he looks as heavy as he is when not even heavier.

Since I wasn't able to roll us over, I hold his arms down with my legs and choke him with my arms until he too taps out.

"You're definitely not out of shape, Reaper," Natasha comments and helps Steve up.

Steve agrees and then she asks me where I have learned that.

"You learn quick enough when you want to survive." I grab the water bottle Cap hands me and chug it all at once. "I need a shower if you don't mind."

"Sorry about your clothes." Steve apologizes.

"J.A.R.V.I.S. will for the sure hand you Stark's credit card for some online shopping," Natasha replies and I smile at her.

"He owes me, so, yeah, I'm definitely going to explode his next credit card billing."

On my way to my floor, I make a quick stop at the main level and check for some food and beverages. As I found everything I needed, I get greeted by Thor.

"Lady Reaper. How is my brother behaving?"

"Hey, Thor. I haven't seen him since yesterday. He came back with some books and went straight into his room. I guess he's doing fine."

I make my way to the elevator and a bag of chips falls from my pile. Thor picks it up and offers to help which I greatly agree with.

"May I ask you where you got these bruises on your hands?" Thor questions politely.

I glance at my hands and see how the shade of purple and blue covered up my swollen knuckles. If he wouldn't tell me, I wouldn't have felt the pain yet. I may be invulnerable, healing rapidly but that doesn't mean I don't feel any pain.

"Must have happened during training." I look at Thor who doesn't seem to be convinced. "I wasn't the smartest when I punched into Cap's shield. I'm fine, don't worry, Point Break."

"Loki is a very good healer. I could ask Banner to deactivate his bracelets for the healing."

I deny. "I'll be fine. By the way. Where did you leave Mjölnir?"

Thor smiles at me and is impressed that I could speak out the correct name of his hammer. "How do you know all of this information when we do know only a little about you?"

The elevator door bangs open and I take the stuff from Thor's hand before I step out.

"That's my secret, Thor. Have a nice day and thank you."

"I like you, little one. If Loki does any harm, do not fret to come for help."

I laugh and wave him goodbye before the door closes.

"No, I don't think I need any help," I mumble to myself and plop myself on the couch.

Shadow Butcher (LokixAvengersxOC)Where stories live. Discover now