Avengers' Meeting

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I am the last one to enter the meeting room. All are already gathered around the circular table, similar to the one on the Helicarrier. Natasha sees me and smiles, which I gladly return and go over to her to embrace her in a hug.

"Hey, Shadow. How have you been lately?", she asked me and I told her that I was doing okay. According to the circumstances of course. "Heard you had a tough time. I'm a spy, you know I can see through your facade, sweetie."

I roll my eyes. "Being around so much testosterone, I could use a female friend but then you need to stop being the Black Widow."

She chuckles in return and then I go greet Clint with a slight nod but he doesn't see me since he's focused on Loki. Clint's jaw is clenched while Loki smiles amused. I can feel the tension between them but that's not one of my business at all.

As I search for a free chair to sit on, I realize there isn't one free spot there anymore. I huff and throw my arms into the air. "Oh, come on guys. You gotta be kidding me," I groan and turn over to Tony. "Hey, Iron Douche! Couldn't you afford one more chair?"

I hear the agents snicker softly before they switch their faces back on to serious. Tony pinches his nose bridge at my remark. "I can afford a thousand more chairs if I wanted to. But why would I buy another chair if we're not sure if you come along?"

He outwits me and I open my mouth but nothing intelligent will roll out my tongue so I zip it. Steve sighs and stands up. "Here, you can have my seat."

"No need, Captain. She can take a seat on my lap," Loki says and licks his teeth as he stares at me.

Clint snorts, "That's not what he just said, right?"

Loki chuckles darkly. "Oh, no, Agent Barton. I am certain you have heard it correctly."

Shifting on my feet, I pick on the skin of my hand. I'm wondering why Loki is so different today. He seems to have a short temper. Shorter than usual. Maybe it's because of the nightmare he had and the restless days. We haven't talked about it since then. I don't even know what it was about but I'm not going to push him. It takes time to open up if it's caused by trauma and I assume it has something to do with his mother. We never got the chance to talk about his loss. And especially, we couldn't ever mourn. He never had the time to.

Since I don't want to start another argument with Loki, I tell Steve to sit back down. He watches me and holds back a smirk, just like Natasha who winks at me as I sit on Loki's lap with my head low.

Loki leans back onto his chair and I settle myself on him, trying to find the right position to feel comfortable but also not too much so I can focus on the meeting.

Steve tries to start the briefing but still has a bit of trouble using the monitor which makes Tony roll his eyes before he snatches the remote control out of Steve's hand. As Tony settled everything in and explained to the old man which button he had to press, Steve could continue.

"Since we're gathered all back together, there are a few things we need to update on everyone," Steve starts, looking at all of us. "As you probably already know, besides Thor, S.H.I.E.L.D. got infiltrated by HYDRA. That means there's no more S.H.I.E.L.D. And since Loki's scepter is somewhere out there, we assume it's in HYDRA's hand which we need to take back before they can do more damage."

I try to listen carefully, still trying to find the right position. But Loki's leather pants aren't the most comfortable things to sit on. My body stiffens when his hands grip my thigh tightly and he leans closer to me but slowly without anyone noticing it.

"I suggest you stop moving," he whispers so low, making it only hearable for me. I gulp and quit everything until his grip loosens. "Good girl."

My breath gets caught in my throat and I almost choke on air which catches everyone's attention. My cheeks redden as I clear my throat as if nothing happened but I still can hear Loki chuckle lowly behind me. At least nobody had any suspicions, I suppose. Loki's boner feeling between my legs makes it hard for me to refocus back on the meeting.

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