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Loki and I teleported to Thor, who was protecting the core alongside Vision. Stark explained to us that when the core gets hit into the ground, the city will fall. Thus, is our mission to prevent that before we have everyone safe on the ships.

Well, he did explain it far more complicated and I understood it then when he said, "This is the drill. If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose."

When we fought a few of Ultron's minions, he finally showed up. He doesn't look pleased if it's even possible for an android to have a facial expression.

"Is that the best you can do?", Thor challenges as he tightens his grip on mjölnir.

"Thor! You idiot," I grumble when he furrows his brows bamboozled. "Don't ever say that before you're pretty sure we won," I add and get into a defensive stance.

Just as I thought, Ultron summons more of his robots to join our fight as he lifts his hand. Thor throws his hammer, and Mjölnir demolishes part of the army. Vision flies around and rips them apart while he phases through them. Loki combines his daggers by throwing them and projecting illusions to trick the enemies since the Iron Legion isn't that smart without Ultron in them. And I try to create a barrier to protect the core, whatever it costs. We can't lose.

Our battle looked epic, and even more so when all of our team joined us. Wanda helped me protect the core with her powers and using her telekinesis to hit the robots. Natasha and Bucky shoot at them with their guns while Clint uses his bow and special arrows. Pietro running wild like a kid with ADHD plus sugar rush to distract the A.I. Captain America throwing his shield, Hulk smashing his fists and Iron Man blasting them off.

All of us did our own thing but still, we worked as a team.

Yet, they were too much. Ultron smiles, if that's even possible, knowing damn well he has the upper hand for the moment.

"This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?"

The bots paused for a moment, and all of us took a breath to gather up. I bite my lip as I stop using my powers, my knees wobbly since the whole battle today drained me a lot.

"Well, like the old man said," Tony opens his helmet to look at Steve, "Together."

And again, they attack us. This time I wasn't able to conjure a barrier anymore, it was only Wanda doing her job to protect the core. I thank her and go join the fight.

As soon as I spotted Ultron hiding behind his killer army, I called out his name to catch his attention.

He turns his head and says, "Look at you. For being the caretaker of Earth, you ceased most of the lives."

My eyes take the shade of all black as I summon all of my powers, the shadow manipulation, and the three stones. The black mist covers my skin while the blue, yellow, and red line a trace around my shadows.

„You want Death? You can have her," I say bitterly low.

With that, I hit him with one squall similar to Wanda's power and sent him through a portal behind his back. He lands behind me as I forcefully kick him into one of my shadow creatures that pins him against the wall with his back near Loki which got his attention at what I was doing.

„My friends call me the female reaper but to you, I am the Goddess of Death!"

Ultron growls as Loki points his threatening outstretched arm at him. His green seidr illuminates the dagger which he aimed at him and hit Ultron in the chest.

"You dare to undervalue her choices when you chose for pure obliteration," Loki hisses and rips a head off from one of the androids that sneaked up behind him. He did it so elegantly even if his eyes never left Ultron's.

Shadow Butcher (LokixAvengersxOC)Where stories live. Discover now