Loki's Nightmare

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Although it felt as if no time had been spent where I stayed in the lab, it was already dark outside and pretty late into the night. After a few strides and holding my stomach from the sudden cramps, where I had to pause for some seconds, I finally managed to get to my quarters.

All the lights are out, only the thunder from outside can be heard and the lightning that comes every few minutes illuminates the apartment. The first thing I do is to get to my room and get some fresh clothes, preferably some shorts and a loose tank top as PJs. Then I walk over to the bathroom and strip off my clothes. Turning on the hot water of the shower, I wash off the blood between my legs and I feel a bit concerned.

I wipe the blood off and bring it up to my face as I examine it. And that's where the questions start to ponder in my head.

I know I'm old but how old would I be in human years?

Could this possibly be my period?

Or is Tony unsettling me and I think it is?

I'm probably overthinking. It's just a side-effect of the curse wearing off.

But... is my curse waring off though?

What if it is just the reality stone that brings me all the problems?

A loud grunt from outside my room stops the train of my running thoughts. Quickly, I finish my shower and dry my wet body with a towel. Since the water isn't running anymore, the whimpers are more audible now and it makes my stomach churn.

In a rush, I open the drawer which Tony mentioned earlier and I grab the pad. Putting on my clothes and my eye catches some painkillers. Without hesitation, I take one pill and swallow it along with some tap water before I tiptoe outside.

Following the painful noises, it leads me right to Loki's door. The muffled scream shatters my heart and without hesitation I kick the door open to meet a shaking God, gripping the sheets tightly in his clasped hands as he shot up into a sitting position.

His breaths are labored, his chest rising up and down strongly. I smell the sweat lingering in his room and I can tell that he had a nightmare by the cold sweat trickling down his forehead and all the other indications from before.

Slowly I walk towards Loki and sit beside him. He flinches slightly but relaxes a tad bit when I wrap my arms around his body. I pull away and his eyes are pricked with tears, yet he holds them in by clenching his jaw and avoiding to meet my gaze.

"It was just a nightmare, okay?", I whisper and pat his back in a reassuring matter.

We sit there for almost an hour, not trading any words. My hands rubbed his back, ignoring the pain in my lower abdomen just like my arm that's getting sore from comforting him. Loki tries to stop himself from shaking but it gets worse when he tries so. He sniffs sometimes but bares his teeth from stopping the tears. Sometimes I can feel his muscle tense up and when I squeeze his hand with my other free hand, he lets out a shuddered breath. And after the silenced hour passes by, he seems to have come down from the nightmare.

I decide to get back on my feet and leave him be. And when I take a step towards the door, his ice-cold hand grabs my wrist. His eyes are pleading me to stay and I frown at my aching heart from the sight.

I sigh heartwrenched, "Loki, it's late and I should get some sleep. So do you."

His soft hand pulls me slightly to him and I tense up when he embraces his arms around my sore body. "Will you do me the honor to stay by my side the night?" I pull back and his brow furrow slightly upwards. "Please," he whispers cracking.

I brush my hand through my face and give in. How can I say no if he looks at me like a puppy who doesn't want to be left alone?

"Fine," I mumble and lay beside him with a proper distance between him. And I am very grateful that he respects my boundaries.

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and snuggle into the blanket. That's when Loki breaks the silence. "Thank you."

I reopen my eyes and turn around to face his exhausted body. He looks so hurt and fragile. The deep bags underneath his eyes makes his white skin even paler if that's even possible. Though he still looks handsome. He smiles softly before closing his eyes again. It must truly help him when I stay by his side, just like it does with me. The pain in my lower abdomen can be ignored pretty easily.

However, my body responds by scootching closer to him. I lay my arm around him and snuggle my head onto his chest. Loki takes a sharp breath at my sudden change of demeanor but eventually, he wraps his arm around my body and pulls me closer to him.

My heart skips a beat and my tummy gives me butterflies but this time I'm not pushing them away. Whatever changed my mind to not push these feelings away, it feels right. And for the very first time, I'm not more concerned about what outcome it can have if I let myself fall. Because at this exact moment, I feel safe with his arms wrapped around my chest. And it is also the very first time where we sleep next to each other than on top of one another.

"You are truly a beauty to be desired, my little goddess of death, but you are simply divine," Loki slurs and I am not sure if he's already asleep or if it just came out of his chest that he had to let out for once.

My cheeks flush red at his praise and I can't help myself than to smile. His chest falls evenly up and down in a deep breath and suddenly he starts snoring very quietly. I chuckle to myself at how easily he just fell asleep. But to be honest, I don't remember when he slept the last time. He was either outside of our room or occupied with having an eye on me.

My body scoots closer to him as I yawn. Lokis arms wrap stronger around me whenever I move, not wanting to lose me. And I can say, he won't lose me this easily. As if by just staying friends or maybe one day even more.

But lastly, I can feel how I give in to the darkness.


Author's Note:

My boyfriend and I watched the first episode of Loki season 2!
It was amazing and I'm looking forward to see his powers.
What are your thoughts on the show?

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