That MF is alive

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The same green light that made me sleep last night, makes me wake up. I shift in my position, noticing that I wasn't lying on a bed but rather sitting on a chair. I could tell by the ache in my spine.

Blinking my eyes open, the hand on my forehead disappears and I see Loki beside me. When I slowly turn my head, I observe a man that should be dead, and next to his left Steve, and on his right, Natasha that gets her wound on her shoulder treated.

"About damn time," Fury says and I squint my eyes to prove myself wrong.

"Am I now not the only one who comes from the Afterlife?" From the corner of my eyes, I see Loki roll his eyes. Natasha and Steve smile smugly and Fury, that motherfucker, laughs. Getting on my feet, I feel still a bit wobbly on my feet but Sam who stands on my left, the opposite side from Loki, helps me up. I check my surroundings. It looks like a secret basement. "Why are we here? Didn't your plan work?"

"Oh, Reaper. I never died."

My head snaps towards the Captain and the Widow, looking for elaboration after Fury's reply.

"Tetrodotoxin B." Natasha shrugs after she got treated by the doctor.

Agent Hill joins us and adds: "Any attempt on the director's life had to look successful."

"Can't kill you if you're already dead. Besides, I wasn't sure who to trust."

Loki starts to laugh maniacally next to me as he takes a step closer to Nick Fury. "And you believe to trust us?"

Yet, Fury doesn't seem to be intimidated by the God. A small smile tugs on his lips and then he looks at a photo of Pierece in the background.

"This man declined the Nobel Peace Prize. He said, 'Peace wasn't an achievement, it was a responsibility.'" Fury turns to me and Loki and then back to Rogers. "See, it's stuff like this that gives me trust issues."

"I do not believe you should trust the God of Lies, Director."

Fury's jaw clenches and then he takes a seat from exhaustion. He must still be in pain since he looks like shit. His dark skin is still pale and I don't believe I have ever seen someone as pale as him.

"Maybe, I shouldn't. But I do." Fury's gaze switches to meet mine. "How are you feeling today, ms Butcher?" I scrunch my nose at him mentioning my surname. "You see, Loki. If you had wanted, you could have run away and yet, you are staying by her side."

Loki shuffles on his feet and I feel my heart beating a bit stronger again. What is he up to? And gosh, where the hell are we? Nobody has answered my previous answer yet...

"You trust her, not me," Loki taunts, almost as if his pride got hurt a little. But still, he keeps looking at him menace.

Steve walks up to him and places a hand on his shoulder. "What Fury wants to say is: He trusts your intentions in hurting the guys who hurt the ones you care."

And when Steve mentioned the last few words, Natasha looks at me with a knowing grin. I hide my reddened face behind my hair and roll my eyes. I then step into the middle of our small gathered circle and clear my throat to catch everyone's attention.

"Are you all ignoring my previous question now? Where the fuck are we? And what the hell happened?"

Steve sends me a scolding look while Natasha holds out a giggle at my sudden outburst Fury chuckles slightly. Loki instead, just stands there paralyzed as if Steve hit the right nerve before. Loki's mouth is obviously open from the genuine words coming from Nick Fury and the Captain.

"We are in a cave, deep inside, a secret facility," Hill finally starts to answer my questions.

I nod my head to thank her silently. "Finally, and what about you?" I point my two left fingers at Steve and Natasha and my right pointy finger at Sam.

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