Odin the All-Knowing

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The red explosion is the thing that causes me to wake up. In the middle of sitting up, I gasp and open my eyes. I hear a new male voice saying: "That's impossible." and another female voice mumbling something which I couldn't differ since my ears are ringing.

I examine the room in which I am and notice two nurses who rush outside, a woman in an Asgardian scrub, Thor who sits beside Jane, and a chubby grandpa with an eyepatch who holds Loki by the collar.

"It's defending itself," Thor chimed in worried.

"Then why is it behaving differently on her?" Loki questions as he tries to free himself from the elderly man's grip.

"You belong to the dungeons," the man answers in a monotone and I see Loki growing furious.

"Perhaps the vault is the place where I should have stayed since you took me like any other relicts."

The anger in Loki helps him to break free. Now I remember that that must be Odin, he looks so much older than the books on Earth. Straight up, Loki walks to me, and in pity, I look down at where I am sitting.

It looks like the same examination table as Jane's and my vitals are showing on the hologram above me which I don't understand at all. All I see is that it's spiking the more I feel uncomfortable and try to figure out how to tell Odin how badly he failed as a father.

"Loki, stop!" Odin warns before Loki comes any nearer. He opens his mouth but Odin doesn't give him the opportunity to. "We shall learn more of the aether before you touch her."

Loki seems to be taken aback by the calamity of the king's voice, just like I am. Was it because he was concerned that his adopted son could be injured or was it more because he was afraid of what more chaos I could have done?

"Allfather, you should treat your sons, adopted or not, equally. Redemption comes only with a second chance."

Odin growls and points a finger at me. "Hush, child. Only because you are a Goddess also, does not mean you belong on Asgard either. Just like the mere Mortal over there, once we extracted the aether out of you, you all begone." He turns to Thor. "Come with me."

Thor hesitates on letting go of Jane. "Only if all of us can."

Odin doesn't say a word, he just leaves and waves us to come along. As Loki helps me up carefully, Thor does the same with Jane and all slowly follow the king.

We enter a huge room in the palace, I see a hint of glitter in Loki's eyes. When we entered the library I understand why.

While Odin looks out for a certain book he tells us what he knows. "There are relics that predate the universe itself. What lies within her appears to be one of them. The Nine Realms are not eternal. They had a dawn as they will have a dusk." He shows us an ancient book. "But before that dawn, the dark forces, the Dark Elves, reigned absolutely and unchallenged."

"Born of eternal night, the Dark Elves come to steal away your light." Thor reads out aloud and looks over to Loki who has the same look of recognition. "They were these stories mother told us as children."

"Their leader, Malekith made a weapon out of that darkness, it was called the Aether. While the other relics often appeared as stones, the Aether is fluid and ever-changing. It changes matter into dark matter and seeks out host bodies, drawing strength from their life force. Malekith sought to use Aether's power to return the universe to one of darkness. But after eternities of bloodshed, my father Bor, finally triumphed, ushering in the peace that lasted thousands of years."

The more Odin tells about the dark elves, I too remember when my father told me about these stories. It was also one reason why I am so fascinated by the infinity stones. The main reason I wanted to look after a stone is that if in the wrong hands, it can be the end of the world. And my purpose is, or better was, to make the world a better place. And the reality stone and the power stone are the most powerful ones. With them in my collection would make me equally as strong as the ones who would wield them too if in the wrong hands.

"What happened?" Jane asks cautiously, already having in mind that something not so soothing will be the answer.

"He killed them all," I answer before Odin could. He looks at me with a slight nod, also visibly shocked by me knowing that but not liking the idea that I could know more than he would.

"Are you certain? The Aether was said to have been destroyed with them and yet here it is," Loki questions.

Odin squints his eyes at me. "The Dark Elves are dead."

"Does your book happen to mention how to get it out of me? Or her?"

Odin's eyes never leave me and I feel a bit uncomfortable being watched by the Allfather. "No, it does not. Lady Shadow, may I speak a word with you." His gaze leaves mine to look at his sons. "Alone."

Warily, I follow Odin after I mouthed the others what he's up to. But unluckily they shook their heads. I shut the door carefully behind me and straighten my posture in front of the king. His features are hard to read. All he does is look me straight in the eyes and I shift on my feet, feeling uncomfortable around him.

"Your Highness, if the fuss is all about that I should apologize for what I said before. Then I have to disappoint you, I won't. And you really should give Loki a-"

I stop babbling when Odin waves a hand at me to shut up. When he starts to chuckle, I raise my eyebrows and question myself about what I did wrong.

"Child, since Thor has told me about you, I requested Heimdall to have an eye on you. I may not trust you myself but I do trust you with Loki. I have observed it my own, he did change, may it be because of you or not."

"Okay... But then why do you want to talk with me alone?"

"As I said, Heimdall has been watching you. I do not know much about ancient Egypt's pantheon. But I do know the Goddess of Death is no such good thing."

"Excuse me?" My voice raised and tilt my head. "You just told me that you don't know anything about the gods of my origin. Death doesn't always mean evil. And besides, who the fuck even decides what's good and evil?" I laugh hysterically and take a step closer. "Anubis was the one who helped the dead to guide them into the afterworld. And I am the one who should protect the humans from any threat."

Odin feels threatened by me and pushes me back and stomps his spear to stop my anger. "Do you care to explain why you killed the ones you should have protected?"

His words drip with venom and make me stumble backward. Instead of hitting the ancient wooden door, I hit a hard chest. From the shock of Odin's knowledge of my past and the people who had heard him, I turn around to face Loki, Thor, and Jane. I was scared to even think about how they will see me now. And seeing their faces makes my stomach churn.

Jane looks terrified, her eyes wide and her body shaking. I don't know how much they eavesdropped but if they heard about who I am, it makes sense why she looks at me in horror.

Thor looks to the ground disappointed. Probably because I have never mentioned it before to him. Hell, I have spoken to him as if we were best buddies down in the tower at the party. I was trying harder to become a better person. That's one of the many reasons why I went along with the deal to stay with the Avengers. Maybe if they knew who I truly am they would have tried to kill me instead.

But what made me run away was because of Loki. He had his hands curled into fists so hard that his knuckles turned white. His nose was flaring as he tried to not explode in front of everyone. Yet his eyes stained a little which I can't order into what other feeling than anger it belongs to.

So this is how I run away from the trio, somewhere else than the palace. Usually, I face the consequences but not my past. Yet, the palace is huge and I have no idea in which direction I need to turn. My legs are getting heavy as I start to pant from exhaustion and anxiety.

Until I trip over my feet and land in front of an elegant lady with blonde braided hair.

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