Lead the Way

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I am laying with my back on the railing of Loki's balcony. My feet swung back and forth. I look to the side and wonder how Loki can read that many books and never get bored of them. I like to read too but after an hour or so I need to get up and at least do something. We haven't talked much together, since it shouldn't have gotten to a discussion but somehow it still hurt.

Groaning, I turn my head to the other side and take in the view of Asgard. The golden pattern glitters with the sun. Kids are playing as their mothers scold them to behave near the palast. Everything on Asgard seems so peaceful. It depresses me even more when I can't go outside in this sunny weather.

I watch the scene in front of me until a blur in the sky gets my attention. Slowly, I sit up and rub my eyes. First of I thought it could be my vision but the blur seems to come nearer. The closer it comes, the more I feel a warm wind on my skin. Also, I sense a slight vibration from that blur.

I walk inside and throw Loki a cushion. "What was that for?" He glares at me as he puts his book aside on the coffee table. I can tell that he's still pissed at my silent treatment around him. I pushed him away every time he tried to start a conversation with me the past few days.

"Asgard is under attack."

He looks at me incredulous when he rolls his eyes. I stand at the door, peeking it open, and try to spy outside. The guards start running in the hallway, I sense Loki sitting up cautiously. Following shortly, the horns signal an alarm which makes me look at Loki with a winning smirk and a raised eyebrow. He stands up steadily and waits for anybody to come and tell us we should leave. But that somebody never comes.

Loki runs out to the balcony to calculate the situation. I hear him mutter the Dark Elve's leader's name. The solemnly of God on the porch suddenly becomes pale white. Curiosity kills the cat in me and makes me go and check out what he was seeing.

Malekith's ship hovers right above the east wing of the palace. If I remember correctly, that's where Frigga and Odin's chambers are located. As soon as the door of the ship opens, Loki brushes past me at high speed. I call out his name before I follow him but he is still faster than me.

Loki was already gone. I chase right after him but when I pass the door I bump into Thor. "Where is Loki?" My eyes show him where he ran off to, no words were needed. "They are coming for Jane, we must stop them."

"Thor, where is she?" I ask carefully when I look behind him to see nobody's there.

"She is with my mother." My brows narrow when a gasp leaves my mouth. Thor looks in the direction I was looking and quickly understands why I am in a worry. "No."

He starts to sprint. The God of Thunder is already on the run after them but I teleport myself to Frigga and Jane.

But I arrive too late. Malekith figured out that Frigga used a spell to duplicate an illusion of Jane and he stabs her directly into the heart. I stand frozen in place and couldn't think throughout. I hear Loki scream out a heartbreaking no before he uses his magic to blast him into the wall followed by two throwing daggers to wound him. Yet, Malekith manages to escape.

Loki pants as he tries to chase the intruders with eyes filled with tears. I shake myself into realization and run up to Frigga. Crouching down I hold her into my arms and am about to be ready to use the one power I haven't used since 1944. But Frigga uses her last strength to stop me from using it.

"Please, I can help you," I beg before breaking into tears. It takes a lot for me to stop shaking with fear and sorrow.

Although I am not sure if I am more afraid of coping with a loss of a beloved person or my duty. My purpose is to lead them the way in the Afterworld where I must face my father. And Frigga doesn't deserve a death like this. She should see how her boys grow up. How they do better. Both of them.

"It is alright, my dear. My time has come. And you shall be proud of what you have done," she says barely in a whisper as she chokes on her blood.

The tears stream down my face and I look up to face Odin, Loki, Thor, and Jane. I swallow a hard lump in my throat, shut my eyes, and mouth a sorry.

I feel the breeze on me, still holding Frigga tightly in my arms as I lay my forehead onto hers. I feel my soul slip away from my body, that's my cue to open my eyes. I gasp some air in and get sucked to where Frigga's soul would be.

Checking out my surroundings, I see nothing familiar to me. This isn't my realm. This isn't my home.

"No, my child. This is Valhalla."

Frigga stands at a door in the middle of a bridge that's similar to the Bifrost. I turn my head to see a huge castle behind me with blue skies, and no clouds. The kind of paradise you read in a child's book.

"It's beautiful," I mumble in awe as I observe the quiet but calm place. "But I don't belong here. I'm not one of your gods."

Frigga hesitates to walk past the door. She smiles genuinely and waves me over to her. "This is where two different religions meet. With death, everything melts together."

I chuckle. "Am I or you the Goddess of Death?"

She laughs with me at that bad joke. She glances back through the door where we see our bodies on the living side. Loki slowly picks me up and gives his mother one last kiss on her forehead. Thor just watches closely before Odin takes Frigga into his loving arms.

"I can still revive you, it's not too late yet," I tell her but she shakes her head no and starts to take a step in the direction of Valhalla.

"My time has come. Use it on somebody more useful," she says and takes another step towards the castle but turns around again. "Do me a favor?"

"Anything for you, my queen." I bow in respect.

"Frigga, please," she insists and I give in another time. "Keep an eye on Loki. He has changed to a better son. With you, he sees that it does not matter what heritage you are. A family is where people know they are there for each other."

I nod my head understanding and she takes a few steps before she halts once again.

"He has a liking for you if he hasn't yet told you. Tell him that I approve of your bonding."

I blink my eyes rapidly and step onto the bridge. I yelp in pain when electricity spikes up my nerves. I guess I am not allowed to step into Valhalla which I respect since not everybody that lives is allowed to step into my realm either.

"I am sorry, Frigga. But I don't think he likes me in that way," I try to change her mind, maybe even my mind to not get any high hopes.

She tilts her head and looks at me in awe which makes me more confused. "Oh, of course." She winks at me which dazzles me to the extreme. "Promise me one thing, Shadow." I tilt my head and nod her to continue. "Do not fret about changes. A mistake must be done to do better. And you are exquisite. Only you must accept who you are. and what you feel."

"I'll try my best," I mumble and pinch the skin of my hand.

"And will you tell Odin that I love him and will wait for him? Also, do tell him that you are in charge of me if he does not know what he shall do."

"Yes, Frigga. I'll do my best, "I shout since she walks faster towards the castle.

I chuckle through some shredded tears. Before she enters Valhalla where I'll never see her again, she waves at me and I wave her back. The tears stain my cheeks, so I wipe them away before I go back into my body.

As I reach the body, I slowly wake up to a speck of gold dust that fades away around us. A gasp comes out of my lungs and my heart aches from losing the only mother figure I ever had in my entire life.


Author's Note:

Alright, we all saw this coming, I guess. But it still hurts to write this chapter. Also since I wasn't so sure if Frigga should stay alive or not but I think it's better if not, just for the plot.

Anyways, the next chapter will be probably updated in a week since I'm going to Comic-Con, and guess what I'm cosplaying?

Yes, female Loki and the Scarlet Scarab ;)

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