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One of the worst feelings in the world,
is to feel lonely even though you are in a room filled with people.
You just feel isolated and deserted.

That's what you feel when you see yourself in that situation, among all those people.

We wish to have people who understand us yet we are the ones who push them away from ourselves because we are too afraid of the power they could one day hold above us.

Terrified of the consequences or that smile and joy they give us.

The past is something which I have tried to forget for a long time but it feels as if it keeps on chasing me.

I will change and adapt to whatever situation because I have no other choice.
I am dead inside but I won't let the world outside know a single fu*king thing about myself.

Build that shield around your heart and you'll never be supposed by the things people do and the way they do it.

This world cannot be saved because the people living in it are dying slowly.

Thank you so much for reading...🤍

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