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Sometimes it becomes overwhelming to hold so much inside myself.
I want to say so many things to the people around me, to the world out there and most of all to my very own family.

People never realise how much a stupid little comment about a person's appearance, career or mindset can change that particular person's life.
Those little comments about how I am supposed to feel, how I am supposed to look just hurt me.

I know that you always think it's for my own good, but please once I have already told you to stop comparing then why do you do the same thing again and again?

Just because I don't talk too much, don't shout at other people about my life doesn't mean that I don't feel or understand anything.

I do, I do understand and I am greatly dismayed by the fact that I didn't realise how toxic the environment around me really is. Beneath all that happiness facade, there's just a sad and broken little place which we all pretend not to see or feel.

Thank you so much for reading. 🙃❤️‍🩹

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