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The best and worst part of your life. They can give you one of the happiest memories to make you happy and one of the worst memories to make you suffer.

I don't know if they do it intentionally or accidentally because at the end of it all, it hurts.
It simply, painfully, disturbingly and sadly just really hurts. A lot.

Once you have been hurt, backstabbed and disappointed by your own family you reach a point where there's just silence.

No matter what they say or do, it just stops mattering to you because when you've have been let down by the only people in your life that were meant to support and be there for you, it just changes you, completely.

Mom, you were the first person in my life to actually leave me. I know that you came back but that state of sadness and abandonment never really went away. I was small, so I didn't really understand what exactly happened but what I do know is that I started losing trust in people day by day without realising it myself.

Dad, you were supposed to protect me, weren't you?
Then why did you become the person who not only hurt me with his words but also with his actions?
Like please, I beg you, was I really that big of a disappointment to you and our family, huh? Did I really do something that terrible that you completely and utterly lost it at me?

Sister, why did you betray me?
I thought we were in this together, forever. But no, all you ever wanted was to take advantage of me and my naiveness. And I honestly can't believe, I let you do it every fuc*ing time. Whether it were little things like stealing from me or other big things, you never actually did stop to think about me, did you?

I am so sick of every goddamn person in my life, I don't even know what I am doing anymore...

I curse the person who said that life is short, come try and survive it with me and you will be relieved when you get out of it.
Trust me, death is the only beautiful and trustworthy thing in this hell we call life.

Thank you so much for your time, it truly means a lot to me. ❤️‍🩹🖤
And I'm really grateful for all the support.

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