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I am sure that every single person who is reading this knows what a mentor is...

If not, a mentor is a person who can support, advise and guide you, for
example a teacher, coach etc.

But do we ever truly understand the impact a mentor can have on a child?
The enormous amount of difference it can put on the way the child thinks and acts?

I have had many mentors in my life. I always wished for a mentor who would understand me, and a few months ago I thought I had found him.

But guess what?
He turned out to be the worst one out of them all, he changed my life in such a twisted way that even my family was not able to recognise it.

Hell, even I didn't realise it until a few weeks back and the only reason I did recognise it was because something terrible happened to me because of him.

You may think you did it for me but we all know that you did it for no one but yourself so stop trying to manipulate my entire family into believing otherwise.

I have to say this, that I am astonished by the fact that a mentor who is supposed to help me could inflict this much damage to me and still act as if nothing has changed.

Wake up, everything's different now.
You put me through hell and then made jokes about it to boast about it to other people.

How could you do that?
After almost killing me, tell me how can someone do that?

You, you were the reason I started hating what you were supposed to teach me.
Before you came into my life I thought I knew what sadness was but, woah! You added a whole new and painful meaning to it completely.

Bravo, for breaking me so bad that I now wonder if I'll ever be the same again.

I thought I could trust him, like no only else but all he did was scare me to death.

I hate him, I hate him for making me feel and live this way. I never wanted this type of loneliness and sadness in my life, never.

I am scared, I am so scared of him, his threats and his actions. I wish I could delete him out of my life forever without ever looking back but alas, I cannot.

He is now so involved in my life that even my family thinks of him like a son, friend or brother.

If only they knew the things he made me feel internally, how much I started
to hate myself because of him and
his judgemental ways.

So, trust me. Choose your own mentor carefully and precisely because as you can see, the consequences are lasting.
And sometimes even inescapable.

Thank you so much for reading...❤️‍🩹

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