Dinner with In Laws

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🍓DINNER with In Laws

Tae Pov.

After I drop Jk at the airport, I directly went to the company for my dance practice. Jk will stay in US for how many days because of his overseas work. I'm a little bit anxious because on friday is  the release date of my first solo album. And Jk is not with me right now. I understand because this is part of our work.

When I arrived at the studio, the dancers are already here they greeted and I greeted them as my friend. Without the members  I encounter new people who will thought me which part I am lacking. And I'm lucky to meet this awesome dancers.

We are watching in the monitor the dance that we studied just today when my phone rang. When I look into it and I smile.

"Eomma," I call her as I excuse myself to the dancers.

"Ohh Son, how are you?" She ask.

"I'm good eomma, I am in the dance studio now,"

"Ohh my, did I disturb you?" I smiled when she panic.

"No, Eomma. We are at break,"

"Ohh, I thought I disturb you. By the way son. Can you come here later in Jk brothers apartment after your practice?" She said excitedly.

"You're in Seoul right now, Eomma?" I ask surprisingly.

"Yes son, We would like to see you. Your appa wants to see you also,"

"Okay eomma, I come right away after practice," I said while  smiling.

"We will wait for you Son, take care and I love you,bye."

"I love you Eomma, bye." I said and we ended the call. I am happy because Jk eomma wants to see me. Even though Jk is not here his parents will fullfill his absense.

I am excited to see my in laws right now. After the break we continue again practicing the dance step we are dancing. I recorded some of the dance step and posted it on my IG account. I smile when everyone like it. I read some positive message and there is also negative but I focus in the positive one.

After practice I directly went to Jk brothers apartment. I was listening to the playlist that Jk and I both share. I  look outside the window  and watch the sunset. One of the best part of the day. Evertime I watch the sunset many thought came to my mind from the past, present and in the future. Thats what sunset affect me. I close my eyes when the song "oh no, oh yes" play. The lyrics of this song reflecs to us. This is what we want to tell to the world. Keeping the relationship in public is not easy and I hope when the right time come that we have our freedom the people who believe in us will stay with us.

I open my eyes when Pendoy told me that we already arrived. I fixed my self and get out from the car. I knok into the door and Jk eomma open it.


"Taehyungaaahh," she call my name excitedly and hug me. I hug her back. We get inside in the apartment and JK appa greeted me with a hug also.

"Appa, how are you?"

"I'm good son, how about you? You are looking handsome everyday," he said while smiling. I feel shy so I smile and look down.

"Appa, you are more handsome," I told him and we both laugn. Jk brother went out in his room and when he saw me He smile and greeted me with a hug also.

"Hyung, how are you,"

"I'm good Tae," he said and put his arm around my shoulder and guided me into the living room. Where eomma and appa are sitting.

"Congratulation Son," eomma said and hold my hand.

"Thank you eomma," I said shyly.

I stay in the living room with Jk parents. Hyung went to kitchen, preparing the dinner. We have a lot of thing to talk about. They keep giving me an advices about my work and about our relationship. I am lucky to have an In laws that accepted me as their real sons and brother. We are laughing when appa throw a joke when Hyung went out to the kitchen and call us that the dinner was ready.

I thought it was just a simple dinner but to my surprise it is not. My eyes widen when I saw all my favorite food plating on the table. Fresh strawberries, nuts, a cute cake with strawberry flavor, pork and their is more.

I smiled while sitting in the chair and look at to Jeon family.

"Congratulations Son. This is just a simple celebration For the success of your album." Eomma said and hold my hand.

"We know that you are anxious because Jk is not here that's why we want to congratulate and celebrate with you," appa said while smiling

"Son, thank you for taking care of our Jungkookah. Even though he is stubborn sometimes but you still understand him," eomma said.

"Eomma, I love Jk and I will always understand him," I said and look at them.

"Okay now, lets eat. Congratulation Taehyungg," Hyung shouted and open the wine. We all laugh because of the naughtiness of hyung.

I tried my self not to cry because of happiness infront of them. We are celebrating now and no time for crying. We are happily eating and talking all through out the dinner. In this time I didn't think of missing Jk because of his family. It's fell like he is still with us.

After the dinner. I stay for a while before I bid my goodbye to them. They hug me one by one and congratulate me again. When I arrived at my apartment. Silent welcome me. I went to the kitchen and drink water. I sat down into the sofa and rest my head while looking at the ceiling. I feel alone right now. I miss my baby, its been a many hour that we are apart and I am already longing for him.

I didn't notice that my tears flow into my eyes. I immediately wipe it and get up. I need to take shower to keep all my thought away.

I should not be sad because Jk family celebrate with me. Thats all the matter most.


Ctto fanart:
#taekook #taekookisreal #taekookau

"DAILY LIFE" of 🐻🐰  (OneShot) S2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora