Chapter Seventy One: Shadows of the Forgotten Bridge

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The Asheville bridge stood as a forgotten relic, suspended over the green abyss below. Its rusty arches intertwined with the surrounding cliffs, creating an eerie yet captivating sight. That morning, I found myself there alongside Cay. His tall, lanky figure cast a long shadow against the rising sun, emphasizing the solemnity of the moment.

After moments of heavy silence, I gathered the courage to break it. "How are you feeling?" I asked, taking a cautious step closer to the railings. The bridge groaned under our weight, but it remained steadfast, reminding us of its durability over the years.

Cay shook his head, a somber expression on his face. "There's no need for that," he muttered.

He sat down, and I followed suit, our legs dangling over the edge of the bridge. Together, we stared into the distance, letting the comfortable silence envelop us.

I had called us to this forgotten forest bridge, yet Cay never asked why I wanted to talk. But I was grateful for his understanding, his ability to simply be present for me... And at that moment, I craved his touch, hoping it could mend the gaping holes in my heart.

As children, his hand in mine had always been a source of solace. Would it still have the power to comfort me now? I yearned to find out.

I inched closer and gently reached for his hand, intertwining our fingers. His touch was reassuring, sending a wave of calmness through my body that no words could replicate.

The scent of tobacco and musk wafted from him, a familiar aroma that instantly soothed my nerves. It carried a sense of nostalgia, bringing back memories of carefree days and hidden adventures. In that moment, amidst the backdrop of the abandoned bridge and the sheer tranquility that surrounded us, I knew I was where I needed to be.

We sat there, just the two of us, cherishing the silence and finding solace in the simple act of being together. The world outside seemed to fade away, leaving only our presence on that forgotten bridge.

As the sun continued its ascent, painting the sky with hues of pink and gold, our connection deepened. No longer did we need to voice our worries or fears; our presence alone spoke volumes.

Cay ran a hand through his ashy hair, grey eyes clouded with emotions I couldn't decipher. He looked at me from underneath his eyebrows, the lines on his forehead taking the form of a peculiar sketch of uncertainty and annoyance. The sight of him on the bridge now—our childhood bridge—sent chills down my spine.

"Ruby, I..." his voice trailed off as he darted his pained eyes toward the churning river below us. He hesitated before continuing, his gaze still stuck on the abyss. "...If you had just told me that you were planning to leave Asheville back then... maybe I'd persuade you to stay....maybe things would've been different now."

"...Different how?"

"Everything. Everything would've been different," came his soft reply, almost a whisper.

I exhaled a breath I didn't realize I was holding. "No, Cay... I don't think so."

His reaction took me by surprise. Supplanting his initial devastation, a newfound hope ignited in his eyes as he stood up, extending a hand towards me. I accepted it, standing up as well, until we were standing very close to each other. The wide expanse of the cliffs behind us, and the silence we shared felt overwhelming.

Cay's voice, doused with emotion, whispered, slicing through the silence. "You know, I have thought of you. Sometimes... a lot actually."

We remained standing in silence; his revelation encompassed the space between us—words halted at the precipice of my lips. All I could do was look into his stormy grey eyes, caught in the whirlwind of emotions.

How odd, I thought, as my gaze drifted from his face to the abyss below; mysteries and secrets mimicking the green depths of the Asheville cliffs. And as I tread lightly on this path of uncertainty, I realized: the bridge wasn't the only thing abandoned tonight.

His touch sent a shiver down my spine, awakening a surge of long-forgotten memories. The way his fingers intertwined with mine was at once possessive and gentle, causing goosebumps to dance along my arm. It was as though he held the key to a locked chamber within me, and with his touch, he effortlessly opened the door.

As I cautiously met his gaze, a rush of images flooded my mind. I saw my near-death experience in the bathtub, young Cay slamming his hands on my desk, shaking me from sleep, and our intimate conversation on the rooftop. And then, with vivid clarity, I remembered our passionate kiss, the moment he devoured my lips, shielding me from the biting winter winds.

In that fleeting moment, I realized that Miles wasn't the sole possessor of my heart. The connection I felt for Cay back then, thirteen years ago, divided my heart into two. While a part of me always belonged to Miles, the other part was inexplicably attached to the man sitting beside me now. The realization simultaneously astounded and terrified me. How had I forgotten to untangle my heart from Cay all those years ago? Was it a conscious decision or a mere oversight?

Cay's gaze softened as he continued to study my troubled face, his hand inching closer to my cheek. I found myself leaning in, craving the warmth of his touch. However, as his thumb grazed my lower lip, a jolt of panic surged through me, forcing my head back as if scorched by a flame. I sprung to my feet, utterly confused and overwhelmed by the hurricane of emotions swirling within.

Unable to make sense of my conflicting feelings, I fled into the depths of the surrounding woods. Each step carried me farther away from the comfort and confusion of that fleeting moment, leaving Cay behind, his frown etched into my memory.

Lost in the chaos of my thoughts, I wandered deeper into the enigmatic wilderness. The trees whispered secrets as I passed, their gentle rustle a symphony of unknown possibilities. Nature, untouched by human emotion, offered solace in its quiet strength.


Dumbfounded, I watched as Ruby sprinted away from me with a hastily crafted excuse. The sound of her frantic footsteps echoed in my ears as her figure gradually diminished into the surrounding darkness. I couldn't help but wonder if our touch had pushed her away.

Ruby's transformation was striking. Her once long, chestnut wavy hair had been chopped short and dyed black, revealing a grown-up face that still carried traces of the young girl I knew. Her once juvenile body had morphed into a well-conditioned silhouette, the result of years of disciplined training. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her, especially that night at the motel when she asked me to stay and guard her sleep. The image of her in a thin, oversized tee haunted me. Did she realize the torment she was causing me? Did she know how I struggled to control my forbidden thoughts about her? She didn't, and I hoped she never would.

Years had passed, shaping our lives in silence, yet Ruby remained the girl I had known all those years ago. The memories threatened to overwhelm me, but now was not the time for longing and regret.

Daria was gone, her body likely at the morgue by now. At least she was free from Asheville, free from its dark hold. But would her soul remember all the memories the cult had wiped? If it did, her soul would likely suffer, but at least it would know the truth behind her inability to leave this town for so many years.

I had an urgent message to deliver to Ruby, one that I had forgotten in the whirlwind of emotions. "You can't trust anyone in this cursed town. Forget the Ashes celebration today! Leave as soon as you can!" The words repeated in my mind like a desperate plea. She needed to understand the sinister secrets that were buried in this town, the risks she was taking.

Lost in my thoughts, I peered down at the worn wooden bridge beneath me. The dusty surface gave it an archaic and ominous appeal. A reckless thought crossed my mind. What if I ceased to exist, just like Miles had all those years ago? What if I followed in Daria's footsteps?... Would Ruby show the same concern for me as she had for him?

The thought was pitiful, born out of desperation and longing. I quickly shook it away. Not today, not until I made sure she was safe and had escaped Asheville's clutches. I needed to protect her, to ensure she made it out unscathed. Only then could I allow myself to fade away, knowing I had fulfilled my duty.

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