Chapter Forty: My Life is You

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"Can you, please, answer my last question, then?" I blurted out, my voice quivering.

Miles, who had been gripping my hands tightly until now, released his grip as if stung by my question.

"I'll try," he replied, his eyes betraying years of torment and uncertainty.

He took a deep breath, bracing himself for what was to come. I could tell that my interrogation had struck a nerve, but I needed answers; I needed to understand.

"Why do people disappear here? People from Asheville?" My voice trembled with dread.

He nodded solemnly, as if expecting that question to come up sooner or later.

"The cult initiation," he dryly confessed.

My heart sank like a stone, realizing that I was about to uncover the dark underbelly of this seemingly idyllic town.

"Every new member of the cult undergoes a ceremony that lasts for three days. Then, they're free to go."

"But why don't they remember anything about the ceremony, then? Lola didn't even remember her name!" My agitation grew, unable to comprehend how something so horrifying could be happening right under our noses.

"Because the things that are done with these people during the initiation are unspeakable."

I felt my insides shrink at his words, my mind unable to fully grasp the horrors that these innocent victims had endured.

"What kind of things?" I whispered, my voice barely audible.

The darkness seemed to grow even darker, an eerie silence enveloping us. Miles took a step forward, a determined look flashing across his eyes.

"Initiated people might not even remember that they're a part of the cult now. That's the thing with the Cult of Ashes, Ruby," he explained, his voice tinged with bitterness. "We have primordial members. Those who were at the origins of the cult of Ashes and now perform the retreat services and get all the money. And then we have substituted ones that serve the primordials."

A heavy silence settled between us. I stared at him, bewildered and terrified by what he had just revealed.

Miles, seemingly done with his confession, turned and headed back towards the trailer, leaving me to grapple with the enormity of the truth.

I remained sitting, my mind racing and my thoughts consumed by the darkness of our town. How many people had fallen victim to this cult? How long had it been thriving in the shadows, unnoticed by the unsuspecting residents of Asheville?

The quiet hum of the trailer's kitchen filled the air as Miles meticulously chopped vegetables for dinner. The tantalizing aroma of sautéed onions wafted through the small space, momentarily calming my troubled mind. In that moment, with Miles by my side, I felt safe; I felt at home.

But the events of the past hour had shaken me to my core. I had stumbled upon a truth so sinister, so unfathomable, that it seemed like a twisted nightmare. And yet, I couldn't deny the truth staring me in the face.

"So," I began, my voice betraying the fear that consumed me, "You can't leave because you are the next leader of the cult?"

Miles paused mid-chop, his gaze fixed on the cutting board. Slowly, he placed the knife down and turned to face me. His dark grey eyes held remorse and determination.

"Yes," he confessed. "And I can't abandon my responsibility. I was born into this duty, Rubicon. It's my role to protect Asheville, to maintain the retreat and care for those who have been initiated into our community."

My mind raced, trying to process the weight of his revelation. Images of the cult's rituals, the power to manipulate memories and consciousness, flooded my thoughts. I couldn't help but think of the potential for evil, for manipulation lurking beneath the surface of this seemingly idyllic town. And how, Miles, my boyfriend, was intricately linked to it all.

Miles, sensing my worry, reached out and gently squeezed my shoulders. His touch offered some comfort amidst the chaos.

"It's not as horrible as you believe," he said sincerely. "I didn't choose this life; it was chosen for me. And then you appeared, bringing life into my carefully planned existence. These past few months with you have been the best in my life, despite the darkness that surrounds us. I promise you, as much as the town's past seems unsettling, when I reach thirty-three and become their leader, I won't use my abilities for anything evil."

His words, while earnest, offered little solace. My heart ached for him, knowing he felt trapped within the confines of this twisted fate. I couldn't stand the thought of him being chained to this life, never experiencing the freedom to choose his own path.

"But Miles," I began, my voice steady now with newfound strength, "Don't you feel trapped? Just because you were born here doesn't mean you have to wait until being thirty three to change something and then, eventually, die here."

A flicker of sadness danced in his' eyes as he met my gaze.

"I know," he said softly. "And as dangerous and frightening as this may seem, there's a part of me that is proud of my inheritance, glad that I have the potential to make the cult's practices less...inhumane."

As the dinner plates were cleared away, Miles left for the shower and I found myself sitting in silence, the brisk wind howling outside.

"You know," I began, breaking the silence, "I truly believe in us, Miles. We're going to find a way out of this town, or we'll make a life here together. I promise you, I'll figure something out."

Miles emerged from the shower, his wet dark hair glistening under the dim bathroom light. His bare torso revealed a taut physique, yet I couldn't allow myself to be distracted. I had to stay focused on the conversation at hand.

"But please, promise me that you won't resort to using those pills again to escape reality," I pleaded, my voice filled with urgency. "Stay strong for me, Miles. We'll face whatever challenges come our way, head-on. Together."

A smile played on his lips as he turned away, slipping into the white shirt. The muscles in his back danced beneath his skin, a testament to the struggles he had endured.

"Do you realize," he said, his voice filled with tenderness, "that you're the reason I haven't given up on this so-called reality? You pulled me back when I was so close to being lost forever."

As we settled down for the night, Miles pulled me into his warm embrace. In the safety of his arms, I finally let go of the tension that had gripped me. This, I thought, was what I was willing to fight for until the end. Screw the cult. Nothing will take him away from me.

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