Chapter Fifty Seven: A Gathering Unveils Hidden Truths

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"Wait... Did you also invite Daria?" I exclaimed, taken aback as I glanced out of the kitchen window and saw her red bug pulling up at the entrance.

"Of course. Cay is also coming soon!" April nudged my side playfully as she served a salad.

"Hey, girls!" Daria entered the kitchen, her presence filling the room with a sense of awkwardness. "I made a cherry pie." She placed a pink container on the table. "People say it's delicious."

"Gonna see about that!" April laughed and strolled over to hug Daria. I just stood there, politely smiling.

As we started preparing food and appetizers for our outdoor late BBQ, I couldn't help but notice the vibrant energy outside. Dan and Ned were already making a fire in the back yard, and I could hear Dan's infectious laughter.

"Aren't our men just adorable?" April smirked sarcastically, her knife accidentally twitching as she cut fruits.

"Our men?" I responded, trying to match her playful tone. "Don't you have a husband?"

"That doesn't mean anything, hon. Husband comes first, of course, but friends come even before that!" she replied with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

For some reason, Daria kept averting my gaze. She seemed different - more timid and sad than the last time I saw her. I wondered what had happened.

Just then, Cay's jeep pulled up in the driveway, and my attention shifted to the present moment. "Cay's here..." Daria faintly smiled. "Now we're an even number of men and women."

April laughed as she carried a tray of food outside. Daria and I stood awkwardly in silence - she made lemonade, and I washed the dishes.

"...Ruby, can I talk to you?" she suddenly asked, her voice low and hesitant. "Somewhere else... in the living room, perhaps?"

I became confused by her unusual request. "Sure?..."

"You can talk here." Cay's figure appeared out of nowhere in the doorframe. He was wearing a black sweater that loosely hung on his figure, accentuating his tall frame, paired with matching jeans. His ashy hair was tied back, with disheveled strands framing his long face shape.

"No, we can't!" Daria angrily protested, her hazel eyes sparking with frustration. Cay glared at her, his intense gaze sending shivers even down my spine. Daria fell quiet.

"It's okay, let's go wherever you want, Dari." I nodded, sensing the urgency in my voice.

She cleared her throat, slipping away from the room, waiting for me to follow.

As I passed by Cay, I couldn't ignore his penetrating gaze studying me. My chin raised defiantly as I sharply turned to look at him. He blinked, pursing his lips, and also walked away.

Something was clearly going on, and I was determined to find out what exactly.


I found Daria in the dimly lit living room, the air heavy with the scent of her electronic strawberry scented cigarette. Her red hair framed her face as she exhaled a cloud of vapor, her eyes fixed on some distant point. Something seemed off about Daria, and I hesitated, waiting for her to acknowledge my presence and reveal the reason for our private talk.

Suddenly, amidst the wisps of smoke, I heard a faint sob. My heart skipped a beat. Wait... Was she crying? Concerned, I took a step closer. "Dari?... Are you alright?" I asked gently.

She hastily turned away, trying to hide her tears. "No! Don't come closer, Ruby. I should be the one asking how you feel!" Her voice trembled, and I could see her red-rimmed eyes glistening with unshed tears. Her vulnerability was a stark contrast to her usual impudent self.

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