Chapter Forty Three: The Promise Ring

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October 2005, Asheville


I woke up with the biggest smile on my face, instantly admiring the ring. Grandma Aretha was pleasantly surprised to see me in such a bright mood over breakfast. Little did she know, it was because of the promise ring that Miles had secretly put on my finger at the movies yesterday.

As I made my way to school, excitement pulsed through my veins. It was a small town, so news traveled fast, and I couldn't wait for everyone to see my ring. As soon as I entered the cafeteria, my best friend April instantly noticed it at lunch.

"Oh my God! Ruby, my sincere congratulations!" she nudges her boyfriend, Ned, winking at her finger as well in a joke. He rolls his eyes, putting a hand over April's shoulder and pulling her closer to him. They were the picture-perfect couple now, always in sync and madly in love. Apparently.

April laughed, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

I smirk. "How about you guys? Is Ned still pretending to be into Evan... Gunner?" I playfully tease, but the mention of Gunner brings back memories of his disappearance a week ago.

Evan had gone missing after the initiation at the eerie church. Miles had confided in me that it was his last initiation day, but Gunner still hadn't returned home yet. He wasn't found in the woods like the others. The whole town was filled with fear and uncertainty.

Amidst my worries, April's laughter interrupts my thoughts. "Turned out that I'm a better kisser than Gunner. Ned couldn't resist."

Ned rolled his eyes, clearly unamused by her teasing.

Just then, Daria joins our table. She notices my ring but doesn't react, only raising an eyebrow. "Congrats," she says, her voice tinged with a hint of curiosity.

I simply nod in response.

Daria hesitates for a moment before speaking again. "Does... Does Cay know?" She nods subtly towards my ring. Cay, my childhood crush and best friend, and I had drifted apart recently, and it pained me to admit it.

"No, we don't really talk anymore," I reply, a hint of sadness in my voice.

"I see," she says softly.

And just like that, she changes the subject, getting back into a lighter mood before leaving the table.

"Look at her all shining! Eww," April scoffs, wrinkling her nose.

Confused by April's sudden animosity, I ask, "Daria? Why?"

April chuckles, her eyes glinting mischievously. "Didn't you know? She's been running after Cay, hoping for him to notice her since first grade. But he was just uninterested. You were his best friend, after all. And now..." she trails off, a smirk playing on her lips. "Just guess where Daria will run off to tonight."

A pang of guilt hits me like a ton of bricks. As much as I cherish Miles and our new promise, Cay had always been there for me. We shared countless memories and supported each other through thick and thin. Was I there for him when he needed me? Deep down, I knew the answer was no.

With a heavy heart, I realized that I needed to apologize to Cay and mend our friendship. The promise ring on my finger symbolized my commitment to Miles, but I couldn't forget the bond I shared with Cay. It was time to confront the past and put our friendship back together, piece by piece.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I made up my mind. Tonight, I would face Cay and apologize for everything, hoping to rebuild what once was an unbreakable connection. Little did I know that this decision would set off a chain of events that would challenge me, test my loyalties, and redefine what it meant to be torn between love and friendship.

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